This is a build system for the following configuration:
- Ender 3 Pro
- Bigtree Tech SKR 1.3
- TMC2209
- BLTouch 3.1 (genuine)
- Physical endstops on X,Y (requires removing diagnostic jumpers XST,YST,ZST)
The Dockerfile uses platformIO and a build script that:
- Checks out the specified branch (see below)
- Downloads the configuration example files from github
- Runs a script that uses sed to modify individual Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h. This is in attempt to make the script more forward-compatible as the configuration file versions change.
- builds the firmware and places the firmare.bin in /tmp/build which should be mapped to a local volume
This has been tested on the marlin 2.0.5 release and the bugfix-2.0.x as of the marlin 2.0.5 release timing. Should be easily modified as future versions are released.
You'll have to configure NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET for your specific mount. The -44, -15 should work for the following Thingiverse mounts: (sliding mount) (thicker back plate)
From the skr-13-marlin directory:
docker build -t marlin .
docker run -e MARLIN_BRANCH=bugfix-2.0.x -v ${PWD}/build:/tmp/build marlin