
Primary LanguageObjective-C


the name of Dr.Light is inspird by Dr.Strange, it is a very simple,light kit to avoid crash in some cases.

range of protection

  • fresh ui in nonmain thread.

  • add/remove KVO unpaired

  • pushing viewcontrollers frequently within a short perid.
    for example,add push code in viewDidLoad,before viewDidAppear has called,it is dangerous.It may caused crash cannot addsubView:self.

    pushing the same viewcontroller into one stack.


ui thread-safety

just include UIView+ViewCrashSafety.h、UIView+ViewCrashSafety.m in your project.

kvo safety

include UIView+ViewCrashSafety.hUIView+ViewCrashSafety.m in your project,then import the header.

#import "NSObject+KVOCrashSafety.h"

start protection for the KVO logic you coded.

school = [[School alloc] init];
school.schoolName = @"First school";
school.kvoSafteyToggle = YES;
[school addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"schoolName" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:nil];

navigation safety

include UINavigationController+NestedPushCrashSafety.hUINavigationController+NestedPushCrashSafety.m in your project. set the limit of time interval between pushing viewcontroller,defaut is 0.1.

self.navigationController.navStackChangeInterval = 0.1;


I'll add more features in a later release,you can contact me zanyfly@126.com.


KVOController is released under a BSD License. See LICENSE file for details.