
Eagle library for the barebone ESP-12E/F WiFi modules.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

ESP-12E/F Eagle Library

Eagle library for the barebone ESP-12E/F WiFi modules. ESP-12E/F datasheet can be found on kloppenborg.net or from elecrow.com



  • git clone https://github.com/handiko//ESP-12EF-Eagle-Library.git
  • cd /ESP-12EF-Eagle-Library/lbr
  • Copy the esp-12e-f.lbr into your Eagle library folder. For example, if your eagle library folder is located in /opt/eagle-7.2.0/lbr, then type: sudo cp esp-12e-f.lbr /opt/eagle-7.2.0/lbr
  • Open the Eagle CAD, then Library ---> Use All
  • Now the esp12e.lbr should be listed in your Eagle library.


  • Download as zip
  • Unzip
  • copy the esp-12e-f.lbr from \ESP-12EF-Eagle-Library\lbr into your Eagle library folder, for example : C:\EAGLE-7.2.0\lbr
  • Open the Eagle CAD, then Library --> Use All


Breakout board, 22 pins, standard 0.1 inch pin connector, single layer top copper PCB.


  • Make a better example sch / board
  • Adding description to the Device
  • Better documentation / README
  • ...


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/handiko/ESP-12EF-Eagle-Library/fork)
  2. Create new branch (git checkout -b myfeature)
  3. Do some editing / create new feature
  4. Commit your works (git commit -m "Adding some myfeature blah blah blah..")
  5. Push to the branch (git push -u origin myfeature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request