Obsidian Plugin: Open That Day

Open daily note by natural language.

How to use

  1. Run command Open That Day: Open
  2. Input day expression like "tomorrow" / "next mon" to suggest dialogue
  3. Hit Enter if suggested date is that day


Please use BRAT

In Obsidian app, run command BRAT: Plugins: Add a plugin with frozen version based on a release tag, then input:

  • Repository: handlename/obsidian-plugin-open-that-day
  • Version: v0.1.1

and click Add Plugin button.


The plugin supports multiple parsers. You can toggle each parsers at plugin settings.

Shorthand Parser

Shorthand Parser parses short keyword to fixed date.

  • format: [direction][unit][number]
    • directon: default=n
      • n (next)
      • l (later)
      • b (before)
      • p (previous)
      • a (after, ago)
    • unit: default=d
      • d (day)
      • w (week)
      • m (month)
      • y (year)
    • number: default=1
      • any fixed number
  • examples:
    • nnext day
    • 44 days later
    • 3wb3 weeks before
    • 2ml2 months later
    • -1y-1 year later = 1 year before

Localed Parsers

Using chrono-node, parses natural language date expression to fixed date. For more detail, please check source code of chrono-node.

  • examples:
    • en: today tomorrow next mon
    • ja: 今日 明日
    • ...



