- bitrocks
- blakejakopovicGMT
- bmorelax
- briansouleSan Francisco, CA
- bwastyBerlin, Germany
- cedricfung
- chriscoDC/MD/VA
- CPSTLCOO @element-fi
- Daemon1993SZ
- daggerhashimoto@neu-fi
- dmdqueSan Francisco
- fogoat
- jasp83Bangkok
- khoazany@Viatick-co
- krsjosephEarth C-137
- lookfirst
- madeddieMadtech Inc.
- mangorocorostakefish & f2pool
- marcusrbrown
- naltunCenters for Disease Control and Prevention - OCIO Digital Services Office
- NicolasToussaintOrange Business
- nodechTbilisi, Georgia
- pbonarigoHong Kong
- phattanleNoots
- pkrasamEarth
- SamSamskiesStrike
- siltwoodDev!
- singpolymaKitchener, Ontario, Canada
- skynodeAmsterdam, The Netherlands
- sprhawkQingdao
- stp-ip@okkur @rekkur
- thehapaxthe universe
- tswastGoogle
- tuxcanfly@bcoin-org @handshake-org
- validatorETHEthereum Name Service