
[Automation] Comparision of e2e frameworks

Closed this issue · 1 comments


Comparison of tools in which we want to start writing visual e2e tests

The tool should be able to:

Ability TestCafe WebdriverIO
Architecture Implementation of W3C web driver JSON file Interacts directly with the browser
Authors DevExpress team Christian Bromann - senior at Sauce Labs, Selenium and W3C contributor
Supported browsers Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, IE (11+) Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, IE (11+), WebriverIO protocols
Mobile support Supports mobile browsers Supports mobile browsers
Supported testing frameworks Custom implementations Jasmine, Mocha, Cucumber
TS Support Supported Supported
Take snapshots and compare them Supported Supported
Combine to the GitHub Action CI Works should work
Combine to the BrowserStack Supported Supported
Combine to the SauceLab Supported Supported
Combine to the visual testing tool (eg. Percy) Supported Supported
Stars on the GitHub 8.5k 6.1k
Issues and reported bugs 623 issues opened, including 125 labeled bugs 141 issues opened, including 26 labeled bugs
Cost one version is open-source, another, TestCafe Studiois paid open-source
License MIT License MIT License



I close #75 due to postponing the project.