You can read and save files in NBT format with this library. It supports different formats: NBT Java Edition, NBT Bedrock Edition (both network and file formats) and Mojangson.
#include <nbt.hpp>
#include <fstream>
using namespace nbt;
int main() {
std::ifstream input("java.nbt");
tags::compound_tag root;
input >> contexts::java >> root;
std::ofstream output("mojangson.txt");
output << contexts::mojangson << root;
By default all lists have their own specialization for each tag. If you want to get something simple
like std::vector<nbt::tags::tag>
as list values you can use nbt::tags::tag_compound::make_heavy
and nbt::tags::list_tag::as_tags
. After that all lists in NBT subtree would be
There are also a simple converter between NBT formats: nbtc
./nbtc FROM TO
- FROM read stdin as FROM NBT format
- TO write NBT tag to stdout as TO format
- java Minecraft Java Edition NBT
- bedrock or bedrock-disk Minecraft Bedrock Edition storage NBT format
- bedrock-net Minecraft Bedrock Edition network NBT format
- mojangson text NBT representation
- kbt HandTruth NBT extension