
A Jenkins shared library demo that provides cross region failover capabilities to Cloud Applications

Primary LanguageGroovy

Jenkins Resiliency Shared Libray


A Jenkins shared library that facilitates the failover of cloud based application from a primary region to a failover one.

This library offers two things:

  1. A set of global variables that can be invoked from a recovery pipeline. Each global variable represents a step that is part of the recovery process, like identifying the most recent database snapshot or turning off an EC2 instance.
  2. A framework (the classes in the src folder) used to implement and extend the set of global variables.


  1. AWS SDK Jenkins plugin must be available.

  2. AWS credentials accessible by Jenkins and configured in one of the following ways:


  3. Jenkins Markdown formatter ("Manage Jenkins" → "Configure Global Security" → "Markup Formatter") should be set to HTML. This will render the shared library documentation properly in the Jenkins console.

Build environment

This project was built and tested using the following configurations:


  1. Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
  2. Groovy Version: 2.5.8 JVM: 11.0.5 Vendor: Private Build OS: Linux
  3. IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3.1 (Community Edition)
  4. Jenkins ver. 2.204.1


  1. MacOS Catalina
  2. IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3.1 (Community Edition)
  3. Jenkins ver. 2.204.1

Jenkins CPS Limitations

The code in this shared library works around Continuous Passing Style limitations in Jenkins. Specifically it avoids calling library methods inside constructors and overriding methods in derived classes. These are called out in more detail later in this document, and an overview of these can be found here


Using this library in a pipeline

The library can be used exactly like any other Jenkins shared library

  1. Configure the shared library in Jenkins and give it an alias. In this case we call it jenkins-sl.
  2. import the library in your pipeline:
@Library('resiliency-sl@/master') _

Sample Pipeline

Here is an example pipeline that uses this library.

@Library('resiliency-sl@master') _

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage ('Failover Database') {
                aws_withAssumeRole("arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/abc", "us-west-2"){assumedCreds ->
                       env.latestSnapshot = aws_rds_findLatestAuroraSnapshot("prefix", assumedCreds, "us-west-2")
                // perform other failover steps here
        stage ('Start EC2 Instance') {
                    def state = aws_ec2_startEC2Instance("i-1234567890", null, 'us-west-2')
                    echo "ec2 state is $state"
    post {
        failure {
            echo "Pipeline Failed!!!"

Library Global Variables

This section describes the global variables exposed by this library.


Allows for the code inside the supplied closure to access an AWS credentials provider for an assumed role.


  1. roleArn: A String representing the ARN of the role to be assumed
  2. region: The region of the STS service used for the assume role operation

Sample use

    aws_withAssumeRole("arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/abc", "us-east-1"){assumedCreds ->
            env.latestRDSSnapshot = aws_rds_findLatestAuroraSnapshot("snapshot-prefix-name", assumedCreds, "us-east-1")


 * Allows for the supplied closure to access a credential provider (STSAssumeRoleSessionCredentialsProvider)
 * for the roleArn parameter. This is used by code and steps that interact with AWS
 * Example:
 * steps{
 *    aws_withAssumeRole("arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/abc", "us-east-1"){assumedCreds ->
 *       script{
 *          env.latestRDSSnapshot = aws_rds_findLatestAuroraSnapshot("snapshot-prefix-name", assumedCreds, "us-east-1")
 *       }
 *    }
 * }
 * The global variable will throw an AWSException in case of any Amazon
 * errors.
 * @param roleArn String representing the role arn that will be assumed.
 * @param region The AWS region of the STS service used for the assume role operation
 * @param cl Closure with access to the assumed Credentials Provider

def call(String roleArn, String regionName, Closure<?> cl)


Starts an EC2 instance given its instance ID and region


  1. instanceID EC2 Instance ID to start
  2. credProvider AWS Credentials provider. If null, it will use a locally configured one.
  3. region The EC2 region to use

Sample use

def stae = aws_rds_startEC2Instance("i-1234567890abde", null, "us-east-1")


 * Starts an EC2 instance given the Instance ID. The return value will be a string representing
 * the instance new state
 * @param instanceID Instance ID of the EC2 instance that will be started
 * @param credProvider Optional credentials provider if an assume-role operation is used.
 *        If null, it will use a default (local) provider
 * @param region Optional name of the EC2 region to use. if null,
 *        it will use a default region
 * @return the name of the new state of the EC2 instance
def call(String instanceID, AWSCredentialsProvider credProvider, String region)


Finds the latest snapshot based on alphabetical order for an RDS Aurora Database, specifically it will return the first snapshot after sorting in descending order.

For example if my snapshots are:

  1. snapshot_20191229
  2. snapshot_20191230
  3. snapshot_20191231

this step will return "snapshot_20191231"


  1. prefix The prefix used filter snapshots. For example a prefix of "abc" will only consider snapshots beginning with "abc"
  2. credProvider AWS Credentials provider. If null, it will use a locally configured one.
  3. region The RDS region to use

Sample use

def latest_snapshot = aws_rds_findLatestAuroraSnapshot("snapshot-prefix-name", null, "us-east-1")


 * Identifies the latest database snapshot given a prefix.
 * The prefix is used a filter, and "latest" is found by sorting
 * snapshots in alphabetical (descending) order and returning
 * the top item.
 * For example if my snapshots are:
 * snapshot_20191229
 * snapshot_20191230
 * snapshot_20191231
 * The return value will be "snapshot_20191231"
 * @param prefix The prefix used filter snapshots
 * @param credProvider Optional credentials provider if an assume-role operation is used.
 *        If null, it will use a default (local) provider
 * @param region Optional name of the RDS region to use. if null,
 *        it will use a default region
 * @return the name of the latest snapshot based on the prefix
def call(String prefix, AWSCredentialsProvider credProvider, String region)

Library framework

Each global variable is built on top of a framework based on the Java AWS SDK, and is implemented by the classes in srcfolder. This section provides a high level overview of the package structure.

Logging package


Provides basic logging capabilities by logging to STDOUT or the Jenkins Console.

Logging to STDOUT

import com.hanegraaff.logging.Log

Log.log "Some Message"

will result in the message appearing to STDOUT

Logging to Jenkins Console

When logging to the Jenkins console you must first use the LogManager to set the steps object. This must be done from within a Global Variable definition.

import com.hanegraaff.logging.LogManager
import com.hanegraaff.logging.Log

// Sample Global Variable
def call(){
   Log.logToJenkinsConsole "Something important"

Will log the message to the Jenkins console.

Exceptions package


This package contains all the custom application exceptions. These exceptions are used to represent different categories of errors, and when low level exceptions are caught they are usually rethrown as a custom exception.

To be clear, these exceptions are coarse and exists solely to categorize the set of errors that this library is willing to generate. This way, when a pipeline fails we can easily tell why

Exceptions in this library make use of chaining, where the underlining cause is wrapped in the custom exception. For additional information on exception chaining see this link:


As of this version, there is only one custom exception: AWSException, which represents any error thrown by the SDK.


This is the base class for all custom exceptions. It exposes a printMessage() to print errors in a more consistent way. Note that normally we would just override the toString() method, but There are CPS Limitations when overriding methods in derived classes

String printMessage(){
   def message = getMessage()
   def cause = getCause()?.getMessage()
   def className = this.getClass().getSimpleName()

   return "<$className> $message. Caused by: $cause"

Here is how we would handle an exception in the body of a global variable:

try {
    Log.logToJenkinsConsole "Retrieving latest snapshot for the following prefix: $prefix in region: $region"
    return rds.getLatestDBClusterSnapshot(prefix)
catch(AWSException awe){
    Log.logToJenkinsConsole "there was an error retrieving latest snapshot: " 
        + awe.printMessage()
    throw awe

Which would result in an error like this:

Retrieving latest snapshot for the following prefix: abc in region: us-west-2
[Pipeline] echo
there was an error retrieving latest snapshot: <AWSException> Error reading database 
snapshots. Caused by: User: arn:aws:iam::1234567890:user/myUser is not authorized to 
perform: sts:AssumeRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/role-abc 
Service: AWSSecurityTokenService; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID: 
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // script


AWSExceptions represent any error thrown by the Amazon SDK. Each instance contains the original SDK exception.

And here is an example of how to use it.

DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsRequest request = new DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsRequest()
DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsResult response

AmazonRDS rdsClient = //... Initialize the client


try {
    response = rdsClient.describeDBClusterSnapshots(request)
catch(Exception e){
    // Throw a custom exception and include the orignal one
    throw new AWSException("Error reading database snapshots", e)

AWS package


Currently contains a single class, called AWSConfigurator which contains various utility functions used to facilitate interacting with AWS SDK. Using this class, you may:

  1. Convert a region name (e.g. 'us-east-1') to a "Regions" object.
  2. Get the locally configured Credentials provider (e.g. based on the instance profile).
  3. Determine the current region when running on EC2

Resiliency package


Contains the classes that expose the resiliency functions used by the global variables. Each AWS service is encapsulated into its own class.

For example RDS functions, like the ability to identify the latest RDS Cluster Snapshot for a given prefix, are implemented in the AmazonRDSResliency class.

Each class in this package inherits from the BaseResiliency class. This class forces initialization in two steps, to avoid CPS issues with class constructors.