
Finial Project

Hanna Anenia


In this final module, will show machine learning (ML). At a high-level, that has three general categories of ML: supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning. We'll employ a type of supervised learning, simple linear regression, to train a model and use the resulting model (a "best-fit" straight line) to make predictions.


. Build a model . Make predictions . Visualize the model . Publish your insights

Environment Setup and How to Install and Run the Project

1.Create and clone repository to VSCode


2. Clone the repository to your local machine.

git clone

3. Create and Activate Virtual Environment

source .venv/bin/activate

4. Create a Project Virtual Environment in the .venv folder.

python3 -m venv .venv

5. Activate the Project Virtual Environment.

6. freeze your requirements to requirements.txt.

py -m pip install requests py -m pip freeze > requirements.txt Git Ignore Add a useful .gitignore to the root project folder.

7.Install dependencies in .venv

CC7.4 Start a New Jupter Notebook

1.1 Start the Project Open datafun-07-applied Open a terminal in your root project repository folder and rin geit pull Creat new notebook name :hanna_ml.ipynb add Python cell and import pip intall jupyterlab pip install pandas pip install pyarrow pip install matplotlib pip intasll seaborn pip install scipy pip install stats

CC 7.5: Chart a Straight Line

.Complete the steps on page 414

CC 7.6: Predict Avg High Temp in NYC in January (Part 2)

Section 1 - Data Acquisition Section 2 - Data Inspection Section 3 - Data Cleaning Section 4 - Descriptive Statistics Section 5 - Build the Model Section 6 - Predict Section 7 - Visualizations

CC 7.7: Predict Avg High Temp in NYC in January (Part 3)

Section 1 - Data Acquisition Section 2 - Data Inspection Section 3 - Data Cleaning Section 4 - Descriptive Statistics Section 5 - Build the Model Section 6 - Predict Section 7 - Visualizations

CC 7.8: Add Your Insights (Part 4)

Optional Bonus

Complete Official Course Evaluation