
A window to explore the amazing world of Pokemons. (Powered by PokemonTCG)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

A window to explore the amazing world of Pokemons

This is a Pokemon cards explorer project developed as a Frontend coding test. The project is built using Next.js, a popular React framework for server-side rendering and static site generation.

Project Setup

Install Dependencies

Before running the project, ensure you have pnpm installed, as it is the required package manager for this project. To install the required modules, run the following command:

pnpm install

Environment Variables

To use the project you must first copy the .env.example file and rename it as .env.development for developement environment or .env.production for production. And set the environment variables.

Initiate Next Server


pnpm build
pnpm start


pnpm dev

Voila! Happy exploring the world of Pokemon cards! 🌟

Project Strcture

- [Root Directory]
   ├──.github (Github actions) 
   ├── app (routing directory)
   │   └── api (API routes for client-side communication)
   ├── components
   │   ├── [ComponentName]
   │   │   └── StyledComponents (extended from MUI components or native elements)
   │   └── shared (shared components)
   ├── contexts (Application contexts)
   ├── data (Data source layer)
   ├── hooks (Application custom hooks)
   ├── icons
   ├── providers (Application providers)
   ├── styles (SCSS variables and global styles)
   ├── types (Application types)
   └── (other config files...)

Open-Source Credit