Reduce and Solve Graph Coloring

This repository constains the code for the practical assignment of the subject “HEURÍSTICAS E METAHEURÍSTICAS” lectured in DCC UFMG 2022/02 by the Professor Thiago Ferreira de Noronha. The group members are Fernanda Guimarães, Ricardo Alves and Caio Raposo.

Our proprosed heuristics follows the reduce and solve approach, composed of a pre-processing phase that identifies and extracts some vertices (in this case, a maximal independent set) of the original graph to obtain a second reduced graph. Such a strategy was chosen due to the exceptional performance obtained from Reduce and Solve with large graphs, however empirical results show that such approaches do not work as well with smaller graphs. We later apply the well known D-SATUR algorithm and compare the results with and without pruning.


First install the required libraries (assuming you have python and pip installed).

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then execute the code. It will produce and output containing the chromatic number using D-SATUR with the orignal graph, and later the chromatic number using the reduce and solve approach (also wiht D-SATUR). Both approaches are also followed by the run time (in seconds).
