Python Startup Template

Here is repo to be cloned or downloaded, and acts as a starting base for any python projects

Before using

Install libraries

At command line make sure the following is run

$ brew install python
$ pip install nose
$ pip install rednose

Note: $ means command prompt Note: This is based on MacOS


  • Instances of NAME change to appropriate title, usually app or lib
  • Instances of class_name change to match name of class in the file
  • Change name of folder from test-setup to name of app


  • The testing frame work is unittest and comes preloaded
  • For mocks use MagicMock(to access look in
  • To import file where script is to be tested see example at top of

Filling in

  • Match replace similar names seen in name of files earlier ie replace packages and name values
  • Fill as see fit


  • In command line type python to have console like irb
  • If prefer something similar to pry, pip install ipython and at commmand line type ipython

Adding detail to tests

  • under def test_name````, write in single line ````"""Description of test"""
  • This will be shown in the test documentation when tests are run with -v flag

Running tests

  1. Make sure in root directory
  2. For running single tests nosetests --rednose tests/
  • nosetests is the test runner
  1. To run all tests nosetests --rednose
  2. To run with more information nosetests --rednose -v