
Easy compiler that converts String to excutable functions with multithreading ability

Primary LanguageMakefile


Easy compiler that converts String to excutable functions with multithreading ability using function in Pljit Pljit::registerFunction(const string& s) to register function with respect to the grammar of

function-definition = [ parameter-declarations ]

[ variable-declarations ]

[ constant-declarations ]



parameter-declarations = "PARAM" declarator-list ";".

variable-declarations = "VAR" declarator-list ";".

constant-declarations = "CONST" init-declarator-list ";".

declarator-list = identifier { "," identifier }.

init-declarator-list = init-declarator { "," init-declarator }.

init-declarator = identifier "=" literal.

compound-statement = "BEGIN" statement-list "END".

statement-list = statement { ";" statement }.

statement = assignment-expression | "RETURN" additive-expression.

assignment-expression = identifier ":=" additive-expression.

additive-expression = multiplicative-expression [ ( "+" | "-" ) additive-expression ].

multiplicative-expression = unary-expression ( "*" | "/" ) multiplicative-expression ].

unary-expression = [ "+" | "-" ] primary-expression.

primary-expression = identifier | literal | "(" additive-expression ")".


PARAM width, height, depth;

VAR volume;

CONST density = 2400;


volume := width * height * depth;

RETURN density * volume


See following CPP code how to actually run them

Pljit jit; // Create an object that manages just-in-time

// compilation (jit) of functions

// Register a function with its source with the jit object

auto func = jit.registerFunction("PARAM a, b BEGIN [...] END.");

// Call the PL/0 function with the arguments 123 for a and 456 for b

auto result = func(123, 456);