Primary LanguagePython


This repo is the official implementation for Spatial-Temporal Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-based Action Recognition. The paper is accepted to ACCV2022.


  • This code is based on Python3 (anaconda, >= 3.7) and PyTorch (>= 1.7.0).

  • Other Python libraries are presented in the 'scripts/requirements.txt', which can be installed by

    pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt

Data Preparation

There are 3 datasets to download:

  • NTU RGB+D 60 Skeleton
  • NTU RGB+D 120 Skeleton
  • Kinetics Skeleton

Download datasets.

  • Download the raw data from NTU-RGB+D 60 & 120 and Kinetics Skeleton. Then put them under the data directory:


Generating Data.

  • Generate numpy datasets by using 'scripts/auto_gen_data.sh'.

    sh scripts/auto_gen_data.sh

Training & Testing


  • You can simply train the model by

    python main.py -c <config>

    Note: '--config' or '-c': The config of STA-GCN. You must use this parameter on the command line, otherwise the program will output an error. There are 20 configs given in the configs folder

    • Example: train the model of STA-GCN using joint modality on NTU RGB+D 60 cross subject

       python main.py -c ntu60_xsub_j


  • To evaluate the trained models saved in <work_dir>, run the following command:

    python main.py -c <config> -e
    • Example: evaluate the trained model of STA-GCN using joint modality on NTU RGB+D 60 cross subject

       python main.py -c ntu60_xsub_j -e


  • To ensemble the results of different modalities, the first step is to obtain scores for different modalities

    python main.py -c <config> -e -sc
    • Example: obtain scores of four modalities of STA-GCN on NTU RGB+D 60 cross subject

       python main.py -c ntu60_xsub_j -sc
       python main.py -c ntu60_xsub_jm -sc
       python main.py -c ntu60_xsub_b -sc
       python main.py -c ntu60_xsub_bm -sc
  • Then, ensemble the scores of different modalities

    python ensemble.py -d <dataset> -n <number of streams>
    • Example: ensemble the scores of four modalities of STA-GCN on NTU RGB+D 60 cross subject

       python ensemble.py -d ntu60 -n 4

Pretrained Models

Pretrained models are provided, These models can be downloaded from BaiduYun (Extraction code: azsa). Download and extract the pretrained folder to the root directory of STA-GCN.

  • To evaluate the pretrained models, run the following command:
    python main.py -c <config> -e -pre
    • Example: evaluate the pretrained model of STA-GCN using joint modality on NTU RGB+D 60 cross subject
       python main.py -c ntu60_xsub_j -e -pre
  • To obtain scores for different modalities of pretrained models, run
    python main.py -c <config> -e -sc -pre
  • ensemble the scores of different modalities
     python ensemble.py -d <dataset> -n <number of streams>


This repo is based on EfficientGCN. Thanks to the original authors for their work!