

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This is a plugin for webpack.

This plugin is made by Upgraded by webpack-upload-plugin. but I have upgraded it and now it supports webpack5 at the same time

The main aim is to provide a tool to upload js/css/img/font used in html (or template in other language) to cdn, and then replace the reference with the corresponding cdn url.

Environment requirement

node >= 10.5.0


npm i -D webpack-upload-plugin


  • This plugin does not provide a service as uploading to cdn. In fact, it actually depends on such service.
  • This plugin is for webpack >= 3.
  • For webpack@4, set optimization.minimize to false!
  • This plugin doesn't work well with UglifyJs plugin! Use beforeUpload if you want to compress anyway.
  • Pay extra attention to your publicPath field of webpack.config.js, '' is likely the best choice.

For webpack@2, please use webpack-upload-plugin <= 0.20.0


webpack-upload-plugin relies on the existence a cdn object with an upload method described as below.

type cdnUrl = string
interface cdnRes {
  [localPath: string]: cdnUrl
// this is what cdn package looks like
interface cdn {
  upload: (localPaths: string[]) => Promise<cdnRes>

Here is a sudo implementation of cdn in vanilla javascript.

 * @param {string[]} localPaths: list of paths of local files
 * @return Promise<cdnRes>: resolved Promise with structure like {localPath: cdnUrl}
function upload(localPaths) {
  return Promise.all(
    localPaths.map((localPath) => {
      return Promise.resolve({
        [localPath]: 'cdn_url_for_this_file',
    (pairs) =>
      pairs.reduce((last, pair) => {
        return Object.assign(last, pair)
      }, {}),
    () => ({})
const cdn = {

Use case

Basic one

For a simple project with such structure:

+-- src
|   +-- assets
|   |   +-- avatar.png
|   +-- index.js
|   +-- index.css
+-- dist
+-- index.html
+-- webpack.config.js
// in webpack.config.js
const path = require('path')
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin')
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin')
const UploadPlugin = require('webpack-upload-plugin')
const cdn = require('xxx-cdn')

module.exports = {
  entry: './src/index.js',
  output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
    filename: 'bundle.js',
    publicPath: '',
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        loader: 'babel-loader',
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: [MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, 'css-loader'],
        test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)(\?.*)?$/,
        loader: 'url-loader',
        options: {
          limit: 10000,
  optimization: {
    minimize: false, // important! important! important!
  plugins: [
    new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
      filename: '[name].css',
      chunkFilename: '[id].css',
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      filename: 'index.html',
      template: 'index.html',
      inject: true,
    new UploadPlugin(cdn),

For webpack v3 users, use extract-text-webpack-plugin instead of mini-css-extract-plugin

Complex one with Server Template

Run webpack in build, then copy all emitted files from build/dist to project/src.

Public can only access files from project/public

+-- project
| +-- src
| +-- public
+-- build
| +-- src
| | +-- assets
| | |   +-- avatar.png
| | +-- index.js
| | +-- index.css
| +-- dist
| +-- index.html
| +-- webpack.config.js
// only focus on WebpackUploadPlugin here
  plugins: [
    new UploadPlugin(cdn, {
      src: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'project/src'),
      dist: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'project/public'),
      staticDir: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'project/src'),
      dirtyCheck: true,

Make sure WebpackUploadPlugin is after any copy-related plugins in plugins field.

If in project/public, there are different prefix from publicPath you passed to webpack, then use replaceFn to remove such prefix.

const config = {
  replaceFn(content, location) {
    return path.extname(location) === '.html'
      ? content.replace(prefix, '')
      : content

If the copy process takes a long time, use waitFor to make sure only start uploading when things are settled.


In webpack.config.js

const WebpackUploadPlugin = require('webpack-upload-plugin')
const cdn = require('some-cdn-package')
module.exports = {
  plugins: [new WebpackUploadPlugin(cdn, option)],

option is optional.

Valid fields for option are showed below:

[smartAssMode=false]: boolean

If switch on, we assume that all files needed is in the output.path of your webpack config file. No more src, dist, staticDir are needed (and will be ignored if being set).

This is an opinionated setup. Under the hood, src, dist and staticDir are equivalently set to the same as output.path

The reason for this field is that very likely, files that need to be uploaded are not all generated by webpack bundling but something like copying. In such cases, those copied files cannot be detected through the webpack config, and hence won't be uploaded automatically. With this feature, your life would be easier.

[src]: string

try smartAssMode first

Where your valid raw template files would appear (with reference to local js/css files). Default to be where html files would be emitted to based on your webpack configuration.

For templates not dynamically emitted by webpack, eg, files like php, tpl, phtml and so on that are managed by some server logic not client one, this field could be used.

Use absolute path

[dist]: string

try smartAssMode first

Where to emit final template files. Only use this when there is a need to separate origin outputs with cdn ones. Default to be same as src.

Think in this way:

template from src -> template with cdn reference -> template to dist

Use dist only if the third step is needed.

Use absolute path

[urlCb]: (cdnUrl: string, localPath: string) => string

Adjust cdn url accordingly. Cdn url would be passed in, and you need to return a string.

const url = 'http://domain.com/cdn/bundle.js'
const urlCb = (input) => input.replace(/^https?/, 'https')

[resolve]: string[]

Type of templates needed to match. In case you have a project with php, smarty, or other template language instead of html. Default to ['html']

Again, for projects using server language template, like php, you could set resolve to ['php', 'phtml']

[staticDir]: string | string[]

try smartAssMode first

If static files (js/css/images etc) emitted by webpack is not what you want, or not enough(normally happens when you need to copy all resources emitted by webpack to another directory), then set staticDir to the directory that contains all your desired resource files (js/css/images etc).

Use absolute path

[beforeUpload]: (fileContent: string, fileLocation: string) => Promise | string

Compression can be done here. Two arguments are fileContent and fileLocation (with extension name of course). You need to return the compression result as string.

// if you want to compress js before upload
const UglifyJs = require('uglify-js')
const path = require('path')
const beforeUpload = (content, location) => {
  if (path.extname(location) === '.js') {
    return UglifyJs.minify(content).code
  return content

[replaceFn]: (fileContent: string, location: string) => string

For some complex (ancient) projects, you may have multiple publicPath or corresponding concepts. To handle such cases accordingly, you can pass a replaceFn function, which will receive two parameters, which are fileContent and location in that order. fileContent would be file in string format with local resources reference. location is the location of fileContent on your file system. This function will be called when plugin start to replace local reference. The string replaceFn returns will represent the desired publicPath, which will be used as the input template to replace all local reference with cdn ones.

// in your latest webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  output {
    publicPath: 'public/static'
<!-- in an ancient template file -->
<!-- bundle.js is actually emitted by webpack -->
<!-- but some copy action involved in later sometime -->
<!-- public/static/bundle.js -> public/js/bundle.js -->
<!-- but this src attribute cannot be changed due to some weird reason -->
<script src="public/js/bundle.js"></script>

In such case, staticDir could be useful. Or you can use replaceFn as followed:

const replaceFn = (content, location) => {
  const oldPublicReg = /src="public\/js/
  if (oldPublicReg.test(content)) {
    return content.replace(oldPublicReg, `src="public/static"`)

In this way, public/static/bundle.js will be uploaded before it get moved to public/js, and the reference replacement stay accurate.

[waitFor]: () => Promise<*>

A function that returns a Promise. The plugin will wait for the Promise to resolve and then start everything.

// things won't start till 1000ms later
const waitFor = new Promise((resolve) => {
  setTimeout(resolve, 1000)

[dirtyCheck=false]: boolean

For cases where chunk file can also be entry file, set dirtyCheck to true to make sure entry file would be updated properly.

[onFinish]: () => any

Called when everything finished. You can further play with files here.

const onFinish = () => {
  console.log('just want to print this')

[onError]: (e: Error) => any

Called when encounter any error.

[logLocalFiles=false]: boolean

Whether to print all uploading file names during the process

[passToCdn]: object

Extra config to pass to cdn.upload method. Something Like cdn.upload(location, passToCdn).

// if your original cdn package has API like this
const cdn = require('some-cdn-package')
const passToCdn = {
  https: true,
cdn.upload(files, passToCdn)

[enableCache=true]: boolean

Enable cache to speed up. Default to false.

[cacheLocation]: string

Directory to emit the upload cache file. Use this when you want to manage the cache file by any VCS.

const path = require('path')
const cacheLocation = path.resolve(__dirname, 'cacheDirectory')

[sliceLimit]: number

Uploading files is not done by once. By using sliceLimit, you can limit the number of files being uploaded at once.

[forceCopyTemplate=true]: boolean

Force to copy generated templates from src to dist even if no cdn Url has been matched. Default to true.

When set to false, the generated templates will still be copied from src to dist as long as if no corresponding file exists in dist.

[asyncCSS=true]: boolean

Try to handle async CSS files emitted by mini-css-extract-plugin.

[compilerHooks="done"]: string

Configure when to run the plugin. See here

Viola! That's all : )



Copyright (c) 2017-present, Yuchen Liu