
Pytorch implementation of Hierarchical Attention Network with Label Embedding initialization for medical encoding

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Pytorch implementation for Hierarchical Label-wise Attention Network ("HLAN")

The Hierarchical Label-wise Attention Network was introduced in this this paper. The implementation provided by the author of the paper relies on old version of Tensorflow (v1) and is 3000 lines of code. In this project, I implemented the described HLAN architecture using Pytorch, improving readability and brevity of the code (90% shorter code base). I also applied this model on patient discharge notes and predict the ICD labels (name of diagnoses), achieving the same accuracy as reported in the paper. Other improvements include:

  • Improved logging using Weights and Biases wandb library
  • Improved interpretability by using the general method provided by captum library

Steps to run training

Download pre-trained embeddings and processed datasets to ./embeddings and ./datasets

datasets link to download embeddings link to download

The folder structure should be something like this:


Install dependencies

conda create -n hlan python=3.11
conda activate hlan
pip install -r requirements.txt


Make sure to be inside HLAN_pytorch folder when triggering training.

Run training with mini dataset

mini dataset has 10 data points. Use this option when testing the training script as it is fast to see training complete.

cd HLAN_pytorch
python train.py --epochs 5 --mini

Run training and log to Weights and Biases

cd HLAN_pytorch
python train.py --epochs 5 --log --verbose

This requires a Weights and Biases account. Follow the steps here to create an account and login using Terminal.

Training loss and metrics will be logged to Weights and Biases when setting --log

use --verbose if want to print every epoch results to the console

Resume training with a previously saved checkpoint

By default, we save the best and last checkpoint to ./checkpoints folder during training. To resume training with that checkpoint, pass the folder name to train.py

cd HLAN_pytorch
python train.py --epochs 5 --log --checkpoint_to_resume_from ../checkpoints/20231127_1604_qxDMJ/last.pt

Train with GPU or MPS

To train with GPU, use --device gpu To train with Mac GPU MPS, use --device mps

cd HLAN_pytorch
python train.py --epochs 5 --device mps --mini

Train with or without Label Embedding Initalization

To train Label Embedding initialization --le

cd HLAN_pytorch
python train.py --epochs 5 --mini --le

To train without, simply omit .

Model interpretability

The paper argued that HLAN's major advantage over other architecture is it allows to attribute the prediction of each label to particular word in the discharge notes. We have attempted to interpret label prediction decision of the model using captum python package. See HLAN_pytorch/visualization_playground.ipynb for the code and outputs