
A SDK for developing PayPal enabled Windows 8 apps.


#PayPal Windows 8 Checkout SDK

The PayPal Windows 8 Checkout SDK gives you the ability to integrate a PayPal checkout flow into your Windows 8 applications. The SDK is based on Mobile Express Checkout (MEC), which offers an in-flow checkout experience in a reduced-display mode.

You can integrate the PayPal Checkout SDK into your applications using either C# or JavaScript. Store application developers can use the PayPal.Checkout.vsix file and phone developers the PayPal.Checkout.SDK-WindowsPhone8.dll file. See the following guides for details:

Integration guides

API references


Please see https://github.com/paypal/windows8-sample-apps for sample projects that use the SDK.

##Known Issues

  • Please see the GitHub issue tracker.

##Release History

  • 20130626 - Version 1.0.0
  • 20130403 - Version 0.1.4
  • 20130319 - Version 0.1.3
  • 20130214 - Version 0.1.1
  • 20130211 - Version 0.1

#####New Features