
Performance Test Framework for Web Application

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Performance Test Framework Docker Base

Framework for Performance Testing with :

  • Jmeter : Backend load testing
  • InfluxDB : time series DB platform for metrics
  • Grafana : data visualization
  • Collectd : service for collectiong metrics
  • SpeedtestIO : Frond end load testing
  • Webpagetest : private instance of webpagetest server


Set up

  1. Install collectd on app - db server
  • Copy files install-colectd.sh and collectd.conf from project to destination server.
  • Edit collectd config in collectd.conf then execute file install-collectd.sh
  1. Create a server for reporting and data visualization
  2. Start docker containers for InfluxDB - Grafana - WebPageTest Server docker-compose up -d on reporting server
do not for got allow firewall for ports 8086, 25826, 3000  ( Or you could change the port in docker-compose.yml)
  1. In Jmeter, add a backend listener to send metric to influxdb http://server_ip:8086/write?db=jmeter

Developing script

Backend load testing :

  • Using Jmeter Https Recorder | BlazeMetter Chrome exetension for generating scripts, then modify them
  • Config number of VUs in thread then execute ( from GUI / Non GUI)

Frontend load testing :

  • Modify sitespeed/pre.js script for fit with app
  • Modify url.txt,contains all urls use for load testing
  • Execute bash file run-sitespeed.sh with 3 parameters : url - args - config
    • url : Invidual url for load test, for e.g : https://google.com | Or url.txt file which contains list of urls
    • args : pre script if needed ( pre.js)
    • config : path to config file (config.json)
    • For e.g : ./run-sitespeed.sh ./url.txt pre.js twea-config.json


  • Access grafana dashboard then check the report
  • If you don't like default report, https://grafana.com/dashboards there where you can search then download report which suite for you