
Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL 的 PDO接口实现

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Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL 的 PDO接口实现, 还未完成


世界上有太多太多的框架,每款框架都有自己特定的DB/ORM查询器. 而且他们绝大部分都不兼容。
如果这些框架我们都要为他们单独集成一次 Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL 将是一个巨大的工作量。

  • 于是我就产生了再 Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL 基础上实现 PDO 的接口的想法.
    其他框架的DB/ORM查询器都是兼容 PDO
    只要此项目完成 其他框架的DB查询全部可以分分钟移植到 Swoole 的异步MYSQL客户端中


  • PDO::__construct($dsn, $username = null, $passwd = null, $options = [])
  • PDO::prepare($statement, array $driver_options = array())
  • PDO::beginTransaction()
  • PDO::commit()
  • PDO::rollBack()
  • PDO::inTransaction()
  • PDO::setAttribute($attribute, $value)
  • PDO::exec($statement)
  • PDO::query($statement, $mode = PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, $arg3 = null, array $ctorargs = array())
  • PDO::lastInsertId($name = null)
  • PDO::errorCode() 待校准
  • PDO::errorInfo() 待校准
  • PDO::getAttribute($attribute)
  • PDO::quote($string, $parameter_type = PDO::PARAM_STR)
  • PDO::__wakeup()
  • PDO::__sleep()
  • PDOStatement::current()
  • PDOStatement::key()
  • PDOStatement::next()
  • PDOStatement::rewind()
  • PDOStatement::valid()
  • PDOStatement::execute($input_parameters = null)
  • PDOStatement::fetch($fetch_style = null, $cursor_orientation = PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT, $cursor_offset = 0)
  • PDOStatement::bindParam($parameter, &$variable, $data_type = PDO::PARAM_STR, $length = null, $driver_options = null)
  • PDOStatement::bindColumn($column, &$param, $type = null, $maxlen = null, $driverdata = null)
  • PDOStatement::bindValue($parameter, $value, $data_type = PDO::PARAM_STR)
  • PDOStatement::rowCount()
  • PDOStatement::fetchColumn($column_number = 0)
  • PDOStatement::fetchAll($fetch_style = null, $fetch_argument = null, array $ctor_args = array())
  • PDOStatement::fetchObject($class_name = "stdClass", array $ctor_args = array())
  • PDOStatement::errorCode()
  • PDOStatement::errorInfo()
  • PDOStatement::setAttribute($attribute, $value)
  • PDOStatement::getAttribute($attribute)
  • PDOStatement::columnCount()
  • PDOStatement::getColumnMeta($column)
  • PDOStatement::setFetchMode($mode, $classNameObject, array $ctorarfg)
  • PDOStatement::nextRowset()
  • PDOStatement::closeCursor()
  • PDOStatement::debugDumpParams()
  • PDOException::__construct()


Install by Composer

composer require kuaiapp/db


  • Swoole > 2.1.2, enable coroutine, enable mysqld

Known Issue

  • You can only use Kuaiapp\Db\Pdo\PDO* classes in SWOOLE request receive ... event or Coroutine because of swoole's limits.



Kuaiapp Database Component is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.