
Fast php framework written in c, built in php extension

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

Yaf - Yet Another Framework

Build Status

PHP framework written in c and built as a PHP extension. Forked from Laruence's yaf.

Here is some difference with Laruence's Yaf.

  • Controller class in default module must be in a namespace app\controllers when use_namespace is On;
  • Controller class in none default module must be in a namespace app\modules\[Module]\controllers when use_namespace is On; In which [Module] is your module name
  • Bootstrip class must be in namespace app when use_namespace is On;
  • name_suffix will be ignored when use_namespace is On;

In another words, you can write controllers like this.


namespace app\controllers;     

class Ns extends \Yaf\Controller_Abstract 
    public function testAction()    
        echo 'hello';          

Or like this if your are writting controllers in a none default module.


namespace app\modules\Api\controllers;

use core\controllers\WebController;

class Passport extends WebController
    public function loginAction()
        echo 'login ok';


  • PHP 5.2 +


Compile Yaf in Linux

$./configure --with-php-config=/path/to/php-config
$make && make install


Yaf manual could be found at: http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.yaf.php


efnet.org #php.yaf


You could find a documented prototype script here: https://github.com/elad-yosifon/php-yaf-doc



A classic application directory layout:

- .htaccess // Rewrite rules
+ public
  | - index.php // Application entry
  | + css
  | + js
  | + img
+ conf
  | - application.ini // Configure 
- application/
  - Bootstrap.php   // Bootstrap
  + controllers
     - Index.php // Default controller
  + views    
     |+ index   
        - index.phtml // View template for default controller
  - library
  - models  // Models
  - plugins // Plugins


You should set DocumentRoot to application/public, thus only the public folder can be accessed by user


index.php in the public directory is the only way in of the application, you should rewrite all request to it(you can use .htaccess in Apache+php mod)

define("APPLICATION_PATH",  dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));

$app  = new Yaf_Application(APPLICATION_PATH . "/conf/application.ini");
$app->bootstrap() //call bootstrap methods defined in Bootstrap.php

Rewrite rules


RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule .* index.php


server {
  listen ****;
  server_name  domain.com;
  root   document_root;
  index  index.php index.html index.htm;
  if (!-e $request_filename) {
    rewrite ^/(.*)  /index.php/$1 last;


$HTTP["host"] =~ "(www.)?domain.com$" {
  url.rewrite = (
     "^/(.+)/?$"  => "/index.php/$1",


application.ini is the application config file

;CONSTANTS is supported
application.directory = APPLICATION_PATH "/application/" 

Alternatively, you can use a PHP array instead:

$config = array(
   "application" => array(
       "directory" => application_path . "/application/",

$app  = new yaf_application($config);

default controller

In Yaf, the default controller is named IndexController:

class IndexController extends Yaf_Controller_Abstract {
   // default action name
   public function indexAction() {  
        $this->getView()->content = "Hello World";

###view script The view script for default controller and default action is in the application/views/index/index.phtml, Yaf provides a simple view engine called "Yaf_View_Simple", which support the view template written in PHP.

   <title>Hello World</title>
   <?php echo $content; ?>

Run the Applicatioin



You can generate the example above by using Yaf Code Generator: https://github.com/laruence/php-yaf/tree/master/tools/cg


More info could be found at Yaf Manual: http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.yaf.php