
Very fast regexp using c++11 templates.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Very fast static regular expression using c++11 templates.


#include "regexp/regexp.hpp"

using namespace SRX;

// Equivalent to ^([a-z]+)
RegularExpression<Begin, OneCatch<1, Plus<CRange<'a','z'>> > > regexp;

if (regexp.match(string))
	std::cout << "matched: " << regexp.part<1>(string) << "\n";
else std::cout << "string not matched!\n";


Simple pattern using static regular expression (ABCD) is quick:


$ time ./build/native/supergrep /tmp/somebigfile.txt > /dev/null

real	0m20.654s
user	0m18.842s
sys	0m1.373s

While the normal libc++'s implementation is 19.5-times slower:

$ time ./build/native/normalgrep /tmp/somebigfile.txt > /dev/null

real	6m43.090s
user	6m41.235s
sys	0m1.544s

And BSD egrep is 3-times slower:

$ time egrep "ABCD" /tmp/somebigfile.txt > /dev/null

real	1m1.935s
user	1m0.897s
sys	0m0.784s

And for compare simple BSD fgrep is at same speed as egrep:

$ time fgrep "ABCD" /tmp/somebigfile.txt > /dev/null

real	1m1.370s
user	1m0.410s
sys	0m0.759s

More complex benchmark

For more complex pattern (ABCDE|DEFGH|EFGHI|AAAA+) static regular expression maintain same speed:


real	0m21.647s
user	0m20.579s
sys	0m1.064s

And libc++'s is 3650-times slower:

real	63m18.043s
user	63m9.890s
sys	0m4.731s

And BSD egrep is 10.6-times slower:

real	3m39.765s
user	3m37.909s
sys	0m1.129s

Example of generated code using clang 3.4


will turn into:

#include "regexp/regexp.hpp"
#include <cstdio>

using namespace SRX;

int main (int argc, char const *argv[])
	// you can combine sub-regexp into one
	using Protocol = Plus<CRange<'a','z'>>;
	using Domain = Seq<CRange<'a','z'>, Plus<CRange<'a','z','0','9'>>>;
	RegularExpression<Begin, Protocol, Str<':','/','/'>, Domain, Star<Chr<'.'>, Domain >, Chr<'/'> > regexp;
	if (argc >= 2)
		if (regexp(argv[1]))
	return 0;

After compiled minitest.cpp it will turn into this native code:

(__TEXT,__text) section
0d00  pushq   %rbp
0d01  movq    %rsp, %rbp
0d04  pushq   %r15
0d06  pushq   %r14
0d08  pushq   %r13
0d0a  pushq   %r12
0d0c  pushq   %rbx
0d0d  subq    $0x38, %rsp
0d11  cmpl    $0x2, %edi
0d14  jl      0f56
0d1a  movq    0x8(%rsi), %rax
0d1e  cmpb    $0x0, (%rax)
0d21  je      0f4a
0d27  leaq    0x7(%rax), %rcx
0d2b  movq    %rcx, -0x60(%rbp)
0d2f  xorl    %edx, %edx
0d31  movq    %rax, %rcx
0d34  nopw    %cs:(%rax,%rax)
0d40  movq    %rdx, -0x38(%rbp)
0d44  cmpq    %rax, %rcx
0d47  movq    -0x60(%rbp), %rdi
0d4b  movq    $-0x1, %r8
0d52  movl    $0x0, %ebx
0d57  jne     0f36
0d5d  jmp     0d66
0d5f  nop    
0d60  incq    %rbx
0d63  incq    %rdi
0d66  movzbl  (%rax,%rbx), %esi
0d6a  cmpl    $0x3a, %esi
0d6d  jne     0f20
0d73  movzbl  0x1(%rbx,%rax), %ecx
0d78  cmpl    $0x2f, %ecx
0d7b  jne     0f31
0d81  movzbl  0x2(%rbx,%rax), %ecx
0d86  cmpl    $0x2f, %ecx
0d89  jne     0f20
0d8f  movb    0x3(%rbx,%rax), %cl
0d93  addb    $-0x61, %cl
0d96  movzbl  %cl, %ecx
0d99  cmpl    $0x19, %ecx
0d9c  ja      0f20
0da2  movl    %esi, -0x54(%rbp)
0da5  movq    %r8, -0x40(%rbp)
0da9  leaq    0x4(%rbx), %rcx
0dad  movq    %rcx, -0x30(%rbp)
0db1  movq    %rbx, -0x50(%rbp)
0db5  movq    $-0x1, %r14
0dbc  movq    %rdi, %r12
0dbf  movq    %rdi, -0x48(%rbp)
0dc3  xorl    %edi, %edi
0dc5  jmp     0dd6
0dc7  nopw    (%rax,%rax)
0dd0  incq    %rdi
0dd3  incq    %r12
0dd6  movq    -0x30(%rbp), %rcx
0dda  leaq    (%rdi,%rcx), %r8
0dde  movzbl  (%rax,%r8), %r13d
0de3  cmpl    $0x2f, %r13d
0de7  movq    $-0x1, %rdx
0dee  movl    $0x1, %ecx
0df3  cmoveq  %rcx, %rdx
0df7  cmpl    $0x2e, %r13d
0dfb  movl    $0x1, %esi
0e00  movl    $0x0, %r9d
0e06  jne     0eb0
0e0c  nopl    (%rax)
0e10  addq    %r8, %rsi
0e13  movb    (%rax,%rsi), %cl
0e16  addb    $-0x61, %cl
0e19  movzbl  %cl, %ecx
0e1c  cmpl    $0x19, %ecx
0e1f  ja      0eb0
0e25  leaq    0x2(%r9,%r8), %rcx
0e2a  movb    (%rax,%rcx), %bl
0e2d  movb    %bl, %cl
0e2f  addb    $-0x61, %cl
0e32  movzbl  %cl, %ecx
0e35  cmpl    $0x1a, %ecx
0e38  jb      0e45
0e3a  addb    $-0x30, %bl
0e3d  movzbl  %bl, %ecx
0e40  cmpl    $0x9, %ecx
0e43  ja      0eb0
0e45  leaq    (%r12,%r9), %r11
0e49  addq    $0x2, %r9
0e4d  movq    $-0x1, %r10
0e54  xorl    %esi, %esi
0e56  nopw    %cs:(%rax,%rax)
0e60  cmpl    $-0x1, %esi
0e63  movb    (%r11,%rsi), %r15b
0e67  leaq    0x1(%rsi), %rsi
0e6b  cmovneq %rsi, %r10
0e6f  movb    %r15b, %cl
0e72  addb    $-0x61, %cl
0e75  movzbl  %cl, %ecx
0e78  addb    $-0x30, %r15b
0e7c  cmpl    $0x1a, %ecx
0e7f  jb      0e60
0e81  movzbl  %r15b, %ecx
0e85  cmpl    $0xa, %ecx
0e88  jb      0e60
0e8a  testq   %r10, %r10
0e8d  js      0eb0
0e8f  leaq    0x1(%r10,%r9), %rsi
0e94  leaq    (%r10,%r9), %r9
0e98  leaq    (%r9,%r8), %rcx
0e9c  movzbl  (%rax,%rcx), %ecx
0ea0  cmpl    $0x2f, %ecx
0ea3  cmoveq  %rsi, %rdx
0ea7  cmpl    $0x2e, %ecx
0eaa  je      0e10
0eb0  testq   %rdx, %rdx
0eb3  js      0ebe
0eb5  addq    %rdi, %rdx
0eb8  testl   %edi, %edi
0eba  cmovneq %rdx, %r14
0ebe  movb    %r13b, %cl
0ec1  addb    $-0x61, %cl
0ec4  movzbl  %cl, %ecx
0ec7  cmpl    $0x1a, %ecx
0eca  jb      0dd0
0ed0  addb    $-0x30, %r13b
0ed4  movzbl  %r13b, %ecx
0ed8  cmpl    $0x9, %ecx
0edb  jbe     0dd0
0ee1  testq   %r14, %r14
0ee4  js      0f02
0ee6  addq    -0x30(%rbp), %r14
0eea  movq    -0x50(%rbp), %rbx
0eee  testl   %ebx, %ebx
0ef0  movq    -0x40(%rbp), %r8
0ef4  cmovneq %r14, %r8
0ef8  movq    -0x38(%rbp), %rdx
0efc  movq    -0x48(%rbp), %rdi
0f00  jmp     0f12
0f02  movq    -0x38(%rbp), %rdx
0f06  movq    -0x40(%rbp), %r8
0f0a  movq    -0x48(%rbp), %rdi
0f0e  movq    -0x50(%rbp), %rbx
0f12  movl    -0x54(%rbp), %esi
0f15  nopw    %cs:(%rax,%rax)
0f20  addb    $-0x61, %sil
0f24  movzbl  %sil, %ecx
0f28  cmpl    $0x19, %ecx
0f2b  jbe     0d60
0f31  testq   %r8, %r8
0f34  jns     0f67
0f36  leaq    0x1(%rax,%rdx), %rcx
0f3b  cmpb    $0x0, 0x1(%rax,%rdx)
0f40  leaq    0x1(%rdx), %rdx
0f44  jne     0d40
0f4a  leaq    0x41(%rip), %rdi  ## literal pool for: "no"
0f51  callq   0f70              ## symbol stub for: _puts
0f56  xorl    %eax, %eax
0f58  addq    $0x38, %rsp
0f5c  popq    %rbx
0f5d  popq    %r12
0f5f  popq    %r13
0f61  popq    %r14
0f63  popq    %r15
0f65  popq    %rbp
0f66  retq
0f67  leaq    0x27(%rip), %rdi  ## literal pool for: "yes"
0f6e  jmp     0f51