WIP Implementation of a Retake plugin for CS2 using CounterStrikeSharp


Command Parameter Description Permissions
!retakeninfo prints the plugin information
!retakespawn <index (integer)> teleports the player to the given spawn index @cs2retake/admin
!retakewrite writes the spawns of the current map to the corresponding map config @cs2retake/admin
!retakeread reads the spawns of the current map from the corresponding map config @cs2retake/admin
!retakescramble scrambles the teams instantly @cs2retake/admin
!retaketeleport <X (float)> <Y (float)> <Z (float)> teleports player to the given coordinates @cs2retake/admin
!retakeaddspawn <2/3 - 2 = T; 3 = CT> <0/1 - 0 = A; 1 = B> creates a new spawn @cs2retake/admin


Extract the addons folder to the /csgo/ directory of the dedicated server.

todo - release 1.0.0:

  • creating, saving and reading spawns
  • player spawn in spawnpoints
  • scramble teams
  • basic autoplant (fast plant, player needs to plant himself)
  • assigning permissions for the commands
  • weapon assign system
  • auto assign teams -> deny choosing team -> switch team automatically
  • on ct win -> switch cts to t and the ts to ct
  • spawn loading system -> verify loading

todo - future releases:

  • config system
  • editor system for spawns
  • auto plant -> in a way that the bomb is defusable xD
  • modular weapon assign system
  • change scramble command to do the scramble after round ends and before round starts