
Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • I used React Native, JavaScript and Expo.
  • Variable and function names use camelCase.
  • Component names are in PascalCase.


It follows a simple architecture with key components:

  1. HomeScreen: The main component responsible for displaying weather information and forecasts. It handles data fetching, location access, and rendering the UI.

  2. Styles: A separate module containing styling definitions for the components. It enhances code readability and maintainability.

  3. Assets: Contains images and icons used in the application, organized based on weather conditions.

  4. AsyncStorage: Used for storing weather data locally when there is no internet connection.

General Considerations

  • The API key is stored as an environment variable for security.
  • It checks for internet connectivity using the NetInfo library and retrieves data from local storage when offline.
  • Location permission is requested using the Expo Location library to get the user's coordinates for weather data retrieval.
  • Weather conditions are categorized, and appropriate background images and icons are displayed based on the weather condition.
  • Temperature units are displayed in Celsius (°C).
  • The application handles errors and provides feedback to the user.

Third-Party Dependencies

The Weather App relies on the following third-party libraries and dependencies:

  1. React: The core library for building the user interface.
  2. React Native: A framework for building native mobile apps using React.
  3. @react-native-community/netinfo: Allows checking the device's internet connectivity status.
  4. @react-native-async-storage/async-storage: Provides an asynchronous storage system for storing weather data locally.
  5. expo-location: Enables access to device location information.
  6. OpenWeatherMap API: Used for fetching weather data based on the user's location.

How to Build the Project

To build and run the Weather App project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the project repository.
  2. Install the project dependencies by running:
    npm install
  3. Use your API key on REACT_WEATHER_KEY in .env.example ad rename it to .env. The url for REACT_BASE_URL is already there.
  4. Run the app on the device by executing:
    npm start
  5. Follow the instructions in the terminal to open the app on your device or simulator.

Additional Notes

  • The application uses React hooks like useState and useEffect for state management and side effects.
  • It includes error handling using try...catch blocks to log errors.
  • The application includes a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes.
  • Forecast data is displayed for the next five days.
  • Location access is requested explicitly to ensure proper functionality.
  • Weather data is stored locally using AsyncStorage to improve user experience when offline.
