This package is written to find the most relevant result to your search query in a pre-defined set of queries and results.
your search query for this string: I want to play football in the morning
and your documents include multiple sentences like:
I like to play football with my friend
He is not able to play football in the morning
The result you get will be He is not able to play football in the morning
since it contains multiple words that match the search query.
One basic example where this package can come handy is to use it in your websites chat bots.
For example you define all your FAQs and their relevant answers in the Documents module, and whenever a customer tries to ask something, his/her query will get a relevant pre-defined answer from the list you defined already.
a minimal working example is here:
a chatbot example is implemented in ChatBotExample folder.
npm i elm-word-search
elm install hanifhefaz/elm-word-search