- Initialize Unity files
- Initialize the code structure
- Implement camera and the ground
- Investigate networking in Unity
- Investigate about music in Unity
- Investigate animations in Unity
- Investigate about creating maps
- Investigate using data structures and file formats like JSON, XML
- Initialize basic abstract models like character
- Implement character movements
- Implement character jump
- Implement the game event system
- Implement the main logic of game-winning
- Add Big character
- Including specific logics
- Add Small character
- Including specific logics
- Add Tall character
- Including specific logics
- Add Box
- Add Danger zone
- Add Blocks
- Add Jumping block
- Add Shooting device
- Implement the logic.
- Add Lazer and its button.
- Implement the logic.
- Add Door and its key.
- Implement the logic.
- Add Private Doors.
- Implement the logic.
- Implement basic network package in server-side
- Implement basic network package in the client
- Implement server-side game rooms and players
- Implement the real-time game
- Implement the music of characters
- Jumping of each one of them
- Terminating of each one of them
- Picking key
- Implement the music of the game scenario
- The game scenario main music
- Doors
- Lazers
- Final Gate
- Implement the animation of characters
- Implement map package for reading different maps
- Implement the main menu
- Implement the levels page
- Implement the levels logic
- Implement the create game page for a host
- Implement the join game page for other clients
- Implement the join and create game logic
- Implement the setting page
- Implement the setting page logic
Each game level is based on a JSON file. There is a 2D matrix of objects.
- 0 - Empty cell