
Primary LanguagePython


Created: 10/1/2017

Chris Boado (boadoct@vt.edu)

Eric Chandler (chandler@vt.edu)

Assignment 1 from Group 31 of ECE 4564 Network Applications


Initialize server in commandline:

python3 server.py -p <SERVER_PORT> -b <BACKLOG_SIZE> -z <SOCKET_SIZE>

Initialize client in commandline:

python3 client.py -s <SERVER_IP> -p <SERVER_PORT> -z <SOCKET_SIZE> -t "<HASHTAG>"

Requires API keys for WolframAlpha and Tweepy in serverKeys.py and clientKeys.py, respectively.


sys - allows use of commandline arguments

wolframalpha - interface for WolframAlpha API

tweepy - interface for Twitter API

os - allows use of operating system dependent functions

re - regex for easy string parsing

subprocess - used to send commands to shell

socket - used to create network sockets

serverKeys - contains WolframAlpha API keys

clientKeys - contains Twitter API keys

Chris Boado - mainly worked on server.py, so implemeting wolfram and espeak

Eric Chandler - mainly worked on client.py, so tweepy

Obviously, helped each other out.