
Try explore and experiment with data about MFs, indexes, etc in few stupid ways. This is purely for experimentation with data and not good for use to infer things or anything else...

Primary LanguagePython

Try look at MF/Indexes/Stock... data

Author: HanishKVC Version: v20210414IST0126 License: GPL Status: Not fully updated wrt new version of PROGRAM PRGSTATUS: In the middle of a transistion

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


This is a relative look across multiple data sets having data over a period of time.

As I didnt find any opensource program to look at the historical data of MF navs, so created a simple one to try and look at the same in some simple, silly and stupid ways.

Also noticed that some of the sites show the sorted list based on the last Rolling Ret value, as it stands on the day one is looking, rather than by looking at it for how it panned out over the full time period or so. And also some times the rating/ranking (not sorted order) is missing for some of the entities. So also I wanted to have a stupid look across entities (MFs/indexes/...) in stupid/silly ways.

This tries to fetch the Indian MFs nav data from the AMFI website and Index data from nse website. As one can look at this data from their website for personal use, so I am assuming that it should be fine to fetch the data again for personal use, but if you plan to access the data from these sources for any other use, do cross check with the data sources once, before fetching and using the data from them. Also avoid overloading their servers when trying to fetch, by fetching spread over a long time and not at once.

NOTE: Rating/Ranking provided by knowledgable independent 3rd parties will be based on collating a score over multiple parameters and or some more additional validation /crosscheck. THIS PROGRAM DOESNT have intelligence for either of it, So sorted list this prg generates/shows is not accurate at all and can potentially be misleading for n number of reasons.

NOTE: Financial sites will show more as well as relavant parameters to get a guage of how the entity is performing wrt different important aspects. So please do look at those along with the ratings from independent agencies to get the better picture of how the entity is performing. This program doesnt do any of these more fine grained and or appropriate analysis, so dont use this for anything other than timepass.

NOTE: This is a purely experimental program to explore somethings, which I had in mind. And is not suitable for making any investment or divestment decisions and or any inferences about things/... Also I am no expert in this matter, so my logics could be buggy and stupid in more ways than one. Also the data it works with may not be error free and may not be uptodate always. So dont use this program for anything.

The logic has also been updated to fetch historic/bhav data from nse website, so that one can look at historic stock data in blind and stupid ways.

Calling the Program

If the program is called without any arguments, then it enters the interactive mode, where user can enter standard python statements as well as the functions provided by this program.

Terminate statement with ; to avoid implicit printing of the results of the statement.

NOTE: This ; based termination maybe useful for the functions provided by this program. Especially for the functions which return list or so.

Termination with ; is also required to import modules at runtime.

Multiline statements are supported if user indicates the begining of such multiline blocks by terminating them with : or , as part of the 1st line in the multiline block.

A empty line or a line with lesser indentation than what was at the begining of the multiline block, will terminate the multiline block logic.

However if the program is called with a single argument which is a file with extension ".ffe", then the program will assume that it is a script file which contains commands for the program. They will be executed as if the user had entered them directly into the program one after the other.

Paths used

The program by default stores downloaded files into ~/.cache/ffe folder.

User can change this by setting a environment variable called FINFOOLSERRAND_BASE.

The program will show the paths being used, when it is run.


Some of the functions supported by the program are specified in the sections below.

Calling help on any of the function will get some basic usage info about them.


The main data base / dataset maintained by this program is called edb (entities db). A Entity could refer to a mutual fund or index or ... one may load into this program.

NOTE: When comparing entities, if they have been active for different amount of time within the current date range that has been loaded and looked at, then the results may not give the full picture, depending on how one looks at things.

NOTE: Currently, by default it duplicates the respective last valid data for holidays (including weekends). So there will be some variation wrt measures/data which depends on historic data. [[[ One can change this behavior by setting appropriate variable in datasrc module. However other logics like rolling ops etc dont account for differences due to this. Partly updated now, need to cross check things once and add additional logic if any required]]]

NOTE: By default it fetchs/loads data only till yesterday.

A sample session could involve

edb.fetch(2013, 2021) edb.load(2013, 2021) procedb.infoset1_prep() edb.enttypes(); procedb.infoset1_result(['open equity large', 'open equity large mid', 'open equity flexi', 'open equity multi', 'open equity elss'], ['direct']) procedb.infoset1_result(['open equity elss', 'open hybrid aggressive'], ['direct']) edb.enttype_members('nse index') plot.data('srel', 'nse index', ['-RE-Nifty 50', 'smlcap']) # A simple look at stocks only stocks.load() stocks.prep() stocks.topbottom() stocks.plot(['STOCKSYMBOL1', 'STOCKSYMBOL2']) import crazy; crazy.above_ndays() hlpr.print_list(crazy.below_ndays())


One can use edb.fetch_data (edb.fetch will also do) to fetch historical data.


edb.fetch_data(YYYY[MM[DD]], YYYY[MM[DD]])

edb.fetch_data(YYYY[MM[DD]], YYYY[MM[DD]], opts)

opts argument is a dictionary which can one of the two booleans

'ForceRemote': The logic will try to fetch data from internet,
irrespective of whether there is a local data pickle file or not.
'ForceLocal': The logic will avoid fetching the data file
from the internet, even if data pickle is missing/invalid. Instead it will reconstruct the pickle from existing local data file.

NOTE: ForceRemote takes precendence over ForceLocal

Some sample usage:


This will try to fetch data from 1st Jan 2020 to 31st Dec 2020.

edb.fetch_data(2020, 202101)

This will try to fetch data from 1st Jan 2020 to 31st Jan 2021.

edb.fetch_data(20100501, 2018)

This will try fetch data from 2010 May 1st to 2018 Dec 31st.

edb.fetch_data(202103, opts={ 'ForceRemote': True })

This will try refetch the data for 2021 March from the internet again, even if it is already downloaded, ie if there is any change in size of the data file on the server.

NOTE: If the given range goes into the future, then it wont try to fetch data belonging to the future.

NOTE: Wrt MF as NAV data for yesterday, could get updated anytime during current day and sometimes even beyond in some worst cases. So data fetched by this program need not be accurate in some cases. If one tries to refetch the same date range as before, at a later date, then it tries to see if there is any update to the nav data, and if it appears so, then it will redownload the same. HOWEVER as the program uses the size of the nav data file and that too only if the length is larger than what it had downloaded previously, so it need not download the uptodate historical data in some cases. SO DONT DEPEND ON THIS PROGRAM for any decisions or inferences or ...

NOTE: There could be bug wrt parsing downloaded data csv files and or issues with saving and restoring pickle. So also the things done/shown by the program could be wrong.

NOTE: Program checks for and then if required introduces a minimum gap in time between successive downloads during fetching, so that one doesnt overload internet and or servers.


Once the historical data has been fetched. One can load a specific date range of this data to have a look at it.


edb.load_data(YYYY[MM[DD]], YYYY[MM[DD]])

edb.load_data(YYYY[MM[DD]], YYYY[MM[DD]], loadFiltersName=theLoadFiltersName)

TOTHINK: edb.load_data can be configured to try and fetch the data, if its not already fetched. Need to think, if I will re-enable this logic again. However if you want to force a redownload etc, then you have to call edb.fetch_data directly with appropraite arguments.

The edb.load_data (edb.load can also be used), will download from all types of data sources by default. However if one wants to download only MF or only Stock related data, then one can pass dataSrcType argument as required. Or else call edb.load_mfs or edb.load_stocks.


Many a times one may want to load only a subset of the fetched data, wrt entities in it. LoadFilters help wrt this. As one may want to filter either based on EntityType and or based on EntityName, so each loadfilter is a named dictionary containing

a whitelist of matching templates wrt entityType

a whitelist of matching templates wrt entityName

a blacklist of matching templates wrt entityName

One can use loadfilters.setup to define these named loadFilters. One can define multiple such named loadFilters. Even the program may define some named loadFilters.

loadfilters.setup(loadFiltersName, whiteListEntTypes, whiteListEntNames, blackListEntNames)

One can use loadfilters.list to look at the currently defined loadfilters.

Inturn while calling edb.load_data, one can pass the optional loadFiltersName argument, to filter entities based on the corresponding list of filters.

If user doesnt specify this argument, then the program will set this to a special LOADFILTERSNAME_AUTO loadFilters. Which automatically maps to the loadFilters prefered by the individual data sources.

If user doesnt want to filter any of the entities, then pass None wrt loadFiltersName.


Search through the loaded data set to see if it contains entities with matching names.

edb.search_data("match template tokens set1 ")

edb.search_data(["match template tokens set1", "match tokens set2", ...])

The user can specify one or more match templates to this function/command. If one wants to check wrt multiple match templates, then pass it has a list of strings.

NOTE: This searches for entities with matching name, across all the entity types in the entities database. However if one wants to find entities with matching name belonging to a subset of the entTypes, then use edb.enttype_members.

Match Tempaltes

For each match template specified, the program will search through the currently loaded entities database. If any match is found the same will be selected and used as appropriate based on the command.

The program tries to check if each of the word/token in the given template is present in the names in its dataset. If all tokens in a match template are present in a given name, then it is considered as a match. The order of the tokens does not matter.

By default the logic ignores the case of the words/tokens.

User can prefix the tokens with few predefined strings to control the matching in a finer manner.

If a token contains -NO- prefixed to it, then the matching name shouldnt contain this token in it.

If a token is prefixed with ~PART~, then the matching name can contain that token as part of a bigger token. Otherwise normally each token/word should match fully.

If the matching template itself is prefixed with -RE- then it is interpreted as a regular expression based matching template, instead of the programs internal logic. In this case to ignore case, one will have to use -RE-(?i).

NOTE: a token is a alphanumeric word with spaces around it, so each word in a string is a token.

entTypeTmpls correspond to matching templates used wrt finding suitable entity types. While entNameTmpls correspond to finding matching entity names.

ex: search_data("direct index fund tata") ex: search_data("fund tata index direct") ex: search_data("fund index -NO-bonus") ex: search_data(["direct bluechip -NO-dividend", "direct bluechip dividend us"])

Processing Data - procedb.ops



procedb.ops(["srel=srel(data)", "mas20=mas20(data)", "roll1Y=roll365(data)"])

procedb.ops(["srel=srel(data)", "mas20=mas20(srel)", "roll1Y=roll365(data)", "mas50Roll1Y=mas50(roll1Y)"])

procedb.ops(["srel=srel(data)", "mas20SRel=mas20(srel)", "roll1Y=roll365(data)", "mas50Roll1Y=mas50(roll1Y)"])

NOTE: help(procedb.ops) will give some of the details about using this.

srel - safe relative

calculates the relative percentage difference for all data in the dataset, wrt the value of the same entity on the starting date (which defaults to start of the dateRange of data loaded). If a given entity has no value available for the given start date, then the next earliest available non zero value will be used as the base.

NOTE: calculate based on ValueOnEachDay/ValueOnGivenDate

It also stores the following as part of MetaData associated with it

the AbsoluteReturn as well as the ReturnsPerAnnum, as on the last date in the date range

the Period for which the entity was active for the current date range.

NOTE: This only looks at starting date and not end date. So if a fund is no longer active, but was active for part of the date range, its life will be assumed to be till end of date range. One can notice such situation by looking at the plot of data and seeing the last active value stretching without change till end of date range.

rel - relative to given date

Calculate the relative percentage difference for all data in the dataset, wrt the value of the same entity on the given base date, wrt each entity.

NOTE: calculate based on ValueOnEachDay/ValueOnGivenDate

As part of its associated meta data, it stores the following info calculated btw the endDate and baseDate

the absolute return

the return per annum

duration in years

reton - return on given date

Calculate the relative percentage difference (appreciation/depreciation) on a given date relative to all other dates in the dataset, for each entity.

NOTE: calculate based on ValueOnGivenDate/ValueOnEachDay

mas - moving average simple


ex: mas50Data=mas50(data)

It calculates the moving average over a specified number of days, for the full dataset.

Some common window size one could use for moving average are 20, 50, 200, ...

All data points in the window are given same weightage.

mae - moving average exponential

dstDataKey = mae<Days>(srcDataKey)

ex: mae50Data = mae50(data)

Calculates exponential moving average wrt the specified number of days, for the full dataset.

For each date, the nearest date data will have higher weightage compared to older/farther date data.

roll - rolling return


ex: rollData=roll365(data)

It calculates rolling returnPerAnnum over the full dataset, wrt given rollingReturn windowSize.

Some common window sizes one could use are

If weekends are not skipped, then 365 (i.e 1Yr), 1095 (i.e 3Yr), 1825 (i.e 5Yr).

If weekends are skipped, then 260 (i.e 1Yr), 782 (i.e 3Yr), 1303 (i.e 5Yr).

It also stores the following additional meta data:

Average of the rolling return over the full date range.

Standard Deviation of the rolling return over the full date range.

Percentage of times, when the return was below a predefined minimum value like 4% (the default).

Adjusted Average of Rolling return (wrt MinThreshold) divided by StdDev of Rolling return [ MaShaMT = (Avg-MinT)/Std ]

For how many years we have data about the entity.

NOTE: If comparing entities which have been active for different amounts of time, then the results may not be directly comparable, do remember that, as they all wouldn't have gone through the same cycle of events. Also because the MetaData stored accounts for its active period only, and ignores any time duration at begin or end, when there is no data (ie not alive/active/...). The logic does save the years active info, so one can use it when comparing other attributes, to get a rough sense of things.

block - avg,std wrt each block


Calculate the following wrt values in each block of BlockDays from the dateRangeEnd towards dateRangeStart, for the given srcDataKey.

average of values wrt each block

standard deviation of the values wrt each block

quantile(quartile) of values wrt each block

As part of the MetaLabel give the following info:

A list containing average of values wrt each block in the date range.

Average of the averages across each block.

Average of the standard deviations across each block.

Quantiles of the rolling return for each of the sub-timeBlocks within the overall date range.

NOTE: Full dataset means for all the entities and over the full date range for which data is loaded.

NOTE: IN the above operations where <Days> is mentioned, one can either pass the number of days directly Or else one can pass the duration notations of ?W or ?M or ?Y (? == any number) to specify a given num of weeks or months or years, as the case may be. If one uses the duration notation, then the program, will automatically use a roughly appropriate number of days based on whether skipping of weekends is currently enabled or not.

Look at raw/processed data


Sort/Order the entities in the dataset based on the criteria (analType and sort order) given

Some of the analTypes supported include

normal: Depending on the value in the given dataSrc on the given date or index, decide how to order the entities.

srel_absret: The dataSrc should be one generated using srel procedb.ops operation. Look at the associated absoluteReturn value for each of the specified entities, and order the entities.

srel_retpa: The dataSrc should be one generated using srel procedb.ops operation. Look at the associated returnPerAnnum value for each of the specified entities, and order the entities.

roll_avg: The dataSrc should be one generated using roll<Days> operation of procedb.ops. This looks at the full period average of rolling returnPerAnnum over the full dateRange loaded, for each entity, to decide how to order the entities.

block_ranked: The dataSrc should be one generated using block<Days> procedb.ops oepration. This identifies the pentile to which each entity belongs, when compared to all other entities loaded, wrt each block period. Inturn it calculates a naive average of the pentile rank across all the blocks, and uses the same to order the specified subset of entities.

NOTE: One needs to be extra careful, when trying to interpret this result. If one sees change in ordering between roll_avg and block_ranked(of blockOp on roll data), look at the rank array to try and see why it might be so. Maybe the entity was performing good in only some of the blocks (sub time periods) (or it peformed bad over many blocks or ...) in the overall date range or so...

NOTE: If number of entities loaded is small, then block_ranked pentile ranking may not be useful always. (Here we are talking about the total number of entities, in the loaded dataset and not the subset that may be selected for sorting using entCodes).

Example usage:

procedb.anal_simple('roll3Y', 'roll_avg', 'top')


Print some possibly useful info about the entities in the loaded set. It prints data about each entity individually as well as for each type of data, it will provide comparative prints. Wrt these comparative prints, it tries to order the entities, based on the average of the 3 year rolling rets. However if a entity has not been active for 3 years, then such entities will get bundled to the end of the ordered list, based on the last return per annum data available for such entities (wrt its start date).

User needs to first run procedb.infoset1_prep, before calling one of the procedb.infoset1_result calls. This will print processed data, wrt specified entities, based on what was generated during procedb.infoset1_prep.


process the raw data using a standard set of operations like srel, roll3Y, roll5Y and reton, in order to generate possibly useful info.


Display processed data wrt all entities in the loaded dataset.


Display processed data wrt all entities which belong to any of the matching entTypes.

ex: procedb.infoset1_result('elss')

ex: procedb.infoset1_result('open large')

ex: procedb.infoset1_result(['elss', 'open large', 'open flexi', 'open multi'])

procedb.infoset1_result([], listOfEntityNameMatchTemplates)

Display processed data wrt entities, whose name match any of the given entName matching template.

ex: procedb.infoset1_result([], 'axis')

ex: procedb.infoset1_result([], 'pgim direct')

ex: procedb.infoset1_result([], ['nifty direct', 'nasdaq direct'])

procedb.infoset1_result(listOfEntityTypeMatchTemplates, listOfEntityNameMatchTemplates)

Display processed data wrt entities, which belong to one of the matched entTypes and inturn whose name matches any of the passed entNameMatchTemplate. The user can select between resultType 'result1' and or 'result2', this decides how the subset of entities displayed are identified.


Display processed data for the list of entities specified using their entCode. User can create the passed list of entCodes using any mechanism they find suitable and or need.


This identifies the top N and bottom N entities based on absolute return wrt last 1 day, 7 days, 1 month and 3 month and inturn show some of the data corresponding to all the entities identified till then.

If no entCodes list passed, then it looks at all the entities, when identifying the top/bottom N entities. Else it identifies the top/bottom N entities from within the passed list of entities.

NOTE: By default only 20 entities are printed as part of the comparitive prints, if you want to change this, pass numEntities argument to procedb.infoset1_result.

Processed Datas

Absolute Return

Return per annum

Moving average

Rolling Return

Standard Deviation


A ratio between the adjusted average (wrt a predefined value) of a given set of values to their standard deviation.


A measure of how similar or not is the changes in values of a given entity wrt changes in value of another entity.


Plot Functions






Processing Data - ops module





calculate rsi based on simple moving average of gain and loss.


potentially calculate rsi as defined by J Welles Wilder.

Entity types

The entities (MFs/stocks/indexes/...) maintained by the program could belong to different categories/types.


Will list all the types currently known to the program. Loading of data will set this list.

for example:

wrt MFs, it could be

open ended equity money market hybrid etc

wrt Stocks, it could be

Index Nifty 50 Nifty smallcap NSE Pharma ...

edb.enttype_members(entTypeTmpls, entNameTmpls)

List all the entities belonging to the given entTypes. If entNameTmpls is also provided, then only list those entities, whose name matches one of the passed entName match template.

Saving and Restoring Session

One can use session_save to save entities db which corresponds to the currently loaded data, into disk. Inturn one can use session_restore to restore a previously saved session back into runtime memory.

This can help with avoiding the need to go through the individual data files and build the in memory data, which can save lot of time. This is not a full save and restore of the runtime session of the program, so one needs to understand the program flow and its implications, before using it. But it can help speed up working with datasets across multiple runtime sessions in a relatively fast way. Note that this also saves and restores any of the processed data sets and not just the initial raw data set.

./FinFoolsErrandKVC.py OO>edb.load(2013,2021) OO>procedb.infoset1_prep() OO>procedb.infoset1_result('elss') OO>session_save('mysave1869') OO>quit()

./FinFoolsErrandKVC.py OO>session_restore('mysave1869') OO>procedb.infoset1_result('index')

Helper Modules


THis provides some simple helper functions to look at stocks.


THis loads last 7 years of stocks related data.


This calculates certain things like mas50, mas200, mae24, mae 50, roll3Y, roll5Y, and so on.

stocks._plot('STOCK_SYMBOL') stocks.plot(['STOCK_SYMBOL1', 'STOCK_SYMBOL2', ...])

Look at the data of the given stocks including processed data like

moving averages and linear regression line fit pivot point lines wrt latest day, week and month based data. RSI of closing data (Either SMA based or JWW based)


Look at the stocks which were the top or bottom N over the last day, week, month. Be warned that this is based on simple absolute return. Inturn it will show some related data wrt these stocks.


This module is not imported by default. User has to explicitly import it by giving the below command.

import crazy;

Remember to load data such that it ends on a working day and not a holiday/weekend, so that there is valid data on the last date in the date range currently loaded. Or else control dataIndex and cmpEndDateIndex such that they dont fall on a holiday/weekend.





User can optionally specify startDate and endDate as arguments.

If startDate is not specified, it will be mapped to the startDate specified during edb.load_data.

If endDate is not specified, it will be mapped to the endDate specified during edb.load_data.

Misc Notes

As readme is created on a different day compared to when the logic is/was implemented, so there could be discrepencies, as I havent cross checked things, when putting what I remember into this document.


Handle stock splits

Handle stock dividends


This notes only some of the changes, once in a bluemoon, look at git log for all changes.


THe logic updated to take care of recreating the data pickles, wrt fetched data, due to the restructuring involving splitting of gData into gData and gMeta.

In case this doesnt seem to work for you, you can always force things by calling edb.fetch_data and passing ForceRemote=True opts to it.


Some Indexes added to the mix. Or one could always look at index funds in the worst case.

MaShaMinT added to ProcDataEx RollingRet meta data/label.


MaBeta added as a additional procedb function.


the logic has been divided into few classes and modules, and the program flow is build around this now.


The default path used by program has been changed.

Date handling as been partly simplified and also now based on python datetime.

Add string based duration notation of ?W/?M/?Y

crazy module added, but not imported by default.