Hi, I'm Hanka 👋

Software Engineer

I'm a self-taught developer. When I'm not wrangling lines of code, you can find me diving into the worlds of JavaScript, TypeScript, React, NextJS, and Remix. Yes, I do create digital magic, but no, I can't pull a rabbit out of a server... yet.

🌟 Fun fact #1: I have a Baby Yoda tattoo. That's right, I'm not just about the code; I'm a huge Star Wars fan. My quest? To craft software as legendary as the stories from galaxies far, far away.

🏃‍♀️ Fun fact #2: I'm not just running tests, I'm a real-life half marathon conqueror! I've raced through the streets more times than the Millennium Falcon has done the Kessel Run. So whether it's debugging code, sprinting, or running a half marathon, I know how to keep the pace.

📝 I write articles on https://hankadev.com/

🎓 I’m currently learning Go, Docker, GitHub Actions

Where to find me in the galaxy

linkedin twitter instagram

My Beskar Arsenal

javascript typescript react react router nextjs remix nodejs expressjs graphql jest cypress tailwind

My Galactic Speaker's Saga

Why you should give Copilot a try Copilot: Weapon for Laid Back Developers