
project for: Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree Program

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Memory Game project

This is my project for Udacity's Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree Program.

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Project Criterias

  • The game randomly shuffles the cards. A user wins once all cards have successfully been matched.
  • When a user wins the game, a modal appears to congratulate the player and ask if they want to play again. It should also tell the user how much time it took to win the game, and what the star rating was.
  • A restart button allows the player to reset the game board, the timer, and the star rating.
  • The game displays a star rating (from 1-3) that reflects the player's performance. At the beginning of a game, it should display 3 stars. After some number of moves, it should change to a 2 star rating. After a few more moves, it should change to a 1 star rating.
  • When the player starts a game, a displayed timer should also start. Once the player wins the game, the timer stops.
  • Game displays the current number of moves a user has made.
  • Optional: Add CSS animations when cards are clicked, unsuccessfully matched, and successfully matched.


The project is using Font Awesome and Fredoka One Google Font. This project is built using HTML, CSS (including Flexbox) and JavaScript. No libraries are used.

Web browser: Google Chrome (recommended), Mozilla Firefox


Background image and all animal images used for cards are from Freepik.com.