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Setting up hive metastore

Install hadoop

brew install hadoop

Download newest postgresql jdbc driver.

Download hive.

Replace (hive-folder)/lib/postgresql-9.4.1208.jre7 with the newest postgresql jdbc driver.

Start postgres (init script will create metastore database)

docker compose up

Run schematool on metastore_db in postgres.

./apache-hive-3.1.3-bin/bin/schematool -dbType postgres -initSchema -url 'jdbc:postgresql://' -passWord admin -userName admin -driver org.postgresql.Driver -verbose

Start hive

make start_hive_server

Data sources





Data update schedule


Table grain

file grain ユニークキー 更新時間 実績/予測
SED 成績分析用 1 race + horse レースキー・馬番・競走成績キー 木 17:00 成績情報
SKB 成績分析用・拡張データ 1 race + horse レースキー・馬番・競走成績キー 木 17:00 成績情報
BAC レース番組情報 1 race レースキー 金土 19:00 前日情報
CYB 調教分析データ 1 race + horse レースキー・馬番 金土 19:00 前日情報
CHA 調教本追切データ 1 race + horse レースキー・馬番 金土 19:00 前日情報
KAB 馬場・天候予想等の開催に対するデータ 1 place/day 開催キー + 年月日 (*1) 金土 19:00 前日情報
KYI 競走馬ごとのデータ。IDM、各指数を格納、放牧先を追加 1 race + horse レースキー・馬番・血統登録番号 金土 19:00 前日情報
OZ 単複・馬連の基準オッズデータ 1 race レースキー 金土 19:00 前日情報
OW ワイドの基準オッズデータ 1 race レースキー 金土 19:00 前日情報
OU 馬単の基準オッズデータ 1 race レースキー 金土 19:00 前日情報
OT 3連複の基準オッズデータ 1 race レースキー 金土 19:00 前日情報
OV 3連単の基準オッズデータ 1 race レースキー 金土 19:00 前日情報
UKC 馬に関するデータを格納 1 horse 血統登録番号 + データ年月日 (SCD Type 2) 金土 19:00 前日情報
TYB 直前情報データ 1 race + horse レースキー・馬番 (*2) 当日情報
HJC 払戻(実績)情報に関するデータを格納 (payout information, i.e. which horse won how much for what 馬券 type) 1 race レースキー 土日 17:00 当日情報


  1. 同じ開催キーのレースは基本的に同じ日に行われるが、天気によって二日後など延期されることが稀にある(例: 2011年1小倉7)。そのため、開催キー+年月日が本当のキーとなる。例:
開催キー 場コード 年月日
101117 10 11 1 7 2011-02-12
101117 10 11 1 7 2011-02-14
  1. 直前データ/直前累積データの場合 競馬開催日 各レース出走15分前頃。仕様書では、15分前となっていますが、10分前になってしまうこともあります。(コロナ渦以降の運用体制のため)(verified, sometimes it just comes in late, but its there beforehand. Must download from bottom of race day tab in http://www.jrdb.com/member/n_index.html). 直前累積データ最終版の場合 競馬開催日 全レース終了後、午後5:00頃.

Key descriptions

キー 構成
レースキー 「場コード・年・回・日・R」の組み合わせ
馬番 1-16など
血統登録番号 99101712 など
開催キー 「場コード・年・回・日」の組み合わせ。レースキーの一部とリンク可能。


Some datasets have identitical rows. Others have rows that are identical except for specific columns. The following table shows which datasets have duplicates and which columns are different.

dataset duplicates different columns notes
BAC yes 年月日 E.g., see 開催キー in '061345', '091115', '101125'. Keep rows with the latest date (verified in netkeiba).
CHA todo
CYB todo
HJC todo
KAB todo
KYI todo
OZ todo
OT todo
OU todo
OV todo
OW todo
SED todo
SKB todo
TYB todo
UKC yes Identical rows, take whichever you please

Other data notes


レースキー 頭数_kyi 頭数_bac
05041405 13 14
08004402 13 14
08004409 8 9
08085302 15 14



See sed_kyi_tyb_jockey_diff.sql analysis.



See sed_kyi_trainer_diff.sql analysis.

sed/bac の距離の違い

There are 2 races (from 2008-2009) where the distance is different between SED and BAC. So infrequent that we can ignore it.

See sed_bac_distance_diff.sql analysis.

sed/kab の馬場状態の違い

The horse track condition is usually the same or 1 off between SED and KAB.



Modeling methodology

Metrics to track for each binary classifier model

  • Payoff rate overall
  • Payoff rate by surface
  • Payoff rate by distance (short, medium, long)
  • Payoff rate by weather
  • Payoff rate by season
  • Payoff rate by year
  • Payoff rate by month
  • Payoff rate by confidence level (if model offers confidence level)
  • Payoff rate by horse age
  • Payoff rate by grade
  • accuracy
  • precision
  • recall
  • f1 score
  • roc auc
  • confusion matrix
  • feature importance

What to optimize for (according to ChatGPT)

In theory, we should optimize for precision, because we are looking for quality over quantity. In practice, precision seems to lead to higher payout rates. We may not bet on as many horses, but the quality of the bets should be higher.

In the context of predicting winning horses where your goal is to maximize the identification of true winners while minimizing bets on losing horses, the choice between loss, recall, precision, or the F1 score for your optimization function depends on your specific objectives and the trade-offs you are willing to make. Let's consider each option:


  • Minimizing False Positives is Critical: In scenarios where the cost of a false positive is high, precision becomes more important. For example, in spam detection, a high precision rate means that fewer legitimate emails are incorrectly marked as spam, avoiding potential inconvenience or loss of important information.
  • Quality Over Quantity: In applications like search engines or recommendation systems, where user experience can be significantly affected by the relevance of the results, optimizing for precision ensures that the results presented to the user are more likely to be relevant, enhancing user satisfaction.


  • The loss function quantifies the model's prediction errors and is crucial during the training phase to guide the model towards better performance. However, loss functions like cross-entropy don't directly correspond to business objectives like maximizing recall or precision.
  • Use loss for initial model training, but you might need additional metrics (like recall, precision, or F1 score) to fine-tune your model according to your specific objectives.


  • Minimizing False Negatives is Critical: In applications where missing a positive instance is more costly than falsely labeling a negative instance as positive, recall is the priority. For example, in medical diagnostics for serious diseases, it's crucial to identify as many true cases (positive instances) as possible, even at the risk of some false positives. A high recall ensures that fewer actual cases of the disease go undetected.
  • Comprehensive Coverage is Required: In information retrieval or legal discovery (e-discovery), where the goal is to find all relevant documents or information, optimizing for recall might be more important to ensure no critical information is overlooked.

When to not bet

Don't bet on races where:

  • The bac.レース条件_条件 is A1,A2 (these are new horse races)
  • トラック種別 is 障害