
React Movie App - TMDB API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Movie TMDB App

Discover the hottest movies and search for your favourite movies. React Movie TMDB App is a movie database and search engine made with ReactJS and powered by The Movie Database (TMDB).


If you want to install this project locally:

  1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/hankhng/react-tmdb-movie-app.git
  2. Change directory: cd react-tmdb-movie-app
  3. Install packages: yarn install
  4. Launch project: yarn start

API Keys

  1. Get your API keys from The Movie Database (TMDB).
  2. Create .env file
  3. Add and name your API keys: REACT_APP_TMDB_API_KEY
  4. Set your API keys from TMDB


There's an open draft PR where I'm working on implementing functionality for the user to favourite movies and add them to a section. Also dynamic searching using UseEffect, so the search is dynamic as the user types.


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