
simple dbutils operations

Primary LanguageJava


simple dbutils operations


1.very simple. 2.very light weight (9 classes).


dbutils (http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-dbutils/) dbcp (http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-dbcp/) or c3p0 (https://github.com/swaldman/c3p0)


Database tools:

MapToObject : a interface , subclass generate a Object by map data,there will be a SimpleMapToObject, a object template class implement MapToObject. I don't like setter and getter and I do not write bean class., so I do not use bean information class to process the Map to Object. For example, User class I prefer

public class User {
   public int id;
   public String name;


public class User{
  private int id;
  private String name;
  public setId(id) {this.id = id}
  public int getId() {return this.id}

DBOperationHelper, a database operation helper class, there are three helpful methods to help insert data, update data or delete data to database by a Object.

Page, a pagination class, to help data of database pagination.

PaginationHelper, a pagination helper class, to help create Page Object by pageNo,pageSize, sqlCountRows,sqlFetchRows and interface MapToObject.

GenKeyQueryRunner, dbutils generate key (Note: it is not thread safe)


not like the link solution, I am not override super update method, I create insert method. Because I just only use this class when I inert the object data to table. And this solution is not thread safe, so I don't want use this class in any other operations.

Sample Code:

entity class:

public class User {
    public String table_name = "users";

    public int id;
    public String name = "";
    public String password = "";

you can change table name using table_name attribute.

Dao class:

void createUser(String name, String pass) throws SQLException {
    name = name.toLowerCase();
    QueryRunner qRunner = DBDataSourceHelper.getQueryRunner();
    User user = new User();
    user.name = name;
    user.password = pass;

User login(String name, String pass) throws SQLException {
    name = name.toLowerCase();
    User user = null;
    QueryRunner qRunner = DBDataSourceHelper.getQueryRunner();
    user = qRunner.query(
            "select * from users where name = ? and pass = ?",
            new SimpleObjectHandler<User>(User.class), name, pass);
    return user;

void update(User user) throws SQLException {

void delete(User user) throws SQLException {

Page<User> getUsers(int pageNo, int pageSize) throws SQLException {
    String countSQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM users";
    String fetchSQL = "SELECT * FROM users";
    PaginationHelper<User> pageHelp = new PaginationHelper<User>();
    return pageHelp.fetchPage(DBDataSourceHelper.getQueryRunner(),
            countSQL, fetchSQL, pageNo, pageSize,
            new SimpleObjectListHandler<User>(User.class));

It is very simple.

Before use the DBOperationHelper must set inner query runner:

    // set data source the database operation helper

About the connection pool

After search the datasource and dbcp, I found c3p0

There is a post about c3p0 VS dbcp : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/520585/connection-pooling-options-with-jdbc-dbcp-vs-c3p0


JDBC connection pools: replacing commons-dbcp with tomcat-jdbc http://feenixtech.blogspot.ro/2012/04/jdbc-connection-pools-replacing-commons.html

dbcp is faster than c3p0, c3p0 is scalable, Bonecp benchmark is the best but it did not release after 2011-04-05.