
monitoring Netscaler using new relic

Primary LanguagePython


monitoring Netscaler using new relic

Python (3rd party) package requirements: requests newrelic mas-nitro-python

#1. Metric Collector ./collector Here you can add multiple collectors, each for one type of metrics, e.g. basic_metrics_collector.


Collector: is a thread that using NitroAPI to get CPU/MEM/Network/Disk and other data from MaaS and Netscaler, convert the data to metrics and push the metrics into a Queue. In this monitoring system, the metrics are the produce, so the Collector is the metric Producer.

./collector/nitro_operation.py implement all the nitro API operations here for different metric collector types

#2. Metric Sender ./sender Here you can add multiple Senders, each for one type of metrics, e.g. basic_metrics_sender.


Sender: is a thread that pop the metrics from a Queue, and uses Insight API to send CPU/MEM/Network/Disk and other data to New Relic. In this monitoring system, the metrics are the produce, so the Sender is the metric Consumer.

#3. Main methods and Other ./startmon.py The main method, queue and thread will initilize here.

./common you know common funcs

./conf configuration for the project (not used for now)