
Mapping for Minecraft

Primary LanguageC

All 3 platform source files are here.
MinutorMap/ contains the map generating code used by all 3 versions. (in C)
Win/ contains the Windows UI (in C++)
OSX/ contains the OSX UI (in ObjC)
./ contains the GTK UI. (in C)


Windows - (You can compile this with Visual Studio Express 2010)
	Open Minutorwin.sln in Visual C++, switch the target to Release, compile the solution to
		generate Minutor.exe
	Run make_installer.bat to make the minutor.msi installer.
		(This part requires you to install WiX)

	Open minutor.xcodeproj in XCode. Compile the solution to
		generate minutor.app
	Run DiskUtility to create a dmg.  Put app in dmg.  :)

Linux -
	$ make
	$ sudo make install

Linux .deb creation -
	first you need to create a pbuilder environment for Lucid (10.04 LTS).

	$ pbuilder-dist lucid create

	if you're on amd64 and want to create an i386 version, do this too:

	$ pbuilder-dist lucid i386 create

	once that's done, you won't need to do that again, except maybe
	to run pbuilder-dist lucid update  to install new patches
	Next we need to build the tar.gz and .dsc

	$ cd minutor
	$ debuild -S -us

	(-us means don't sign the .dsc)
	Finally we want to compile the .dsc and tar.gz into a .deb

	$ cd ..
	$ pbuilder-dist lucid build *.dsc

	and if we want to do it for i386 on amd64:

	$ pbuilder-dist lucid i386 build *.dsc