Pinax 0.9 + based on Zurb Foundation is a popular CSS framework that is light weight, but includes all the basics such as; a twelve column responsive grid, forms,dialog, navigation tabs, buttons, typography and so on. Zurb Foundation is not as feature complete as some other frameworks, but this may be one of its advantages. It has been argued that frameworks that provide "everything out of the box" tend to encourage the development of "cookie cutter" sites and apps. You can read more about the ideas behind Foundation and how to use it for rapid prototyping in this article.
- We now support Foundation 3. This means that you can now all the neat Foundation 3's features such as the new Nav bar.
- Support for responsive tables
- Removed support for responsive design patterns as its not compatible with Foundation 3
- Simplified the demo site
- Updated documentation to reflect the use of Foundation 3
- Numerous bug fixes.
Create a virtual environment for your project and activate it:
$ virtualenv mysite-env $ source mysite-env/bin/activate (mysite-env)$
Next install Pinax:
(mysite-env)$ pip install Pinax
Once Pinax is installed use pinax-admin to create a project for your site
(mysite-env)$ pinax-admin setup_project mysite -b basic mysite
The example above will create a starter Django project in the mysite folder based on the Pinax basic project. Of course you can use any of the Pinax starter Projects. The basic project provides features such as account management, user profiles and notifications. The starter project also comes with a theme or a collection css, javascript files. The default theme is based on Twitter Bootstrap.
To use the Foundation theme in the project, include "pinax-theme-foundation" in requirements/project.txt. Either install the package individually.
pip install pinax-theme-foundation
Or use the requirements file:
pip install -r requirements/project.txt
Next edit the file and comment out the entry for "pinax_theme_bootstrap" and add "pinax_theme_foundation" in your INSTALLED APPS:
# theme #"pinax_theme_bootstrap", "pinax_theme_foundation",
Inside your project run:
(mysite-env)$ python syncdb (mysite-env)$ python runserver
The Pinax setup_project creates a site_base.html template which extends theme_base.html. You own templates should normally inherit from site_base.html. However, due to inconsistencies between Bootstrap and Foundation you may need to perform an additional step to ensure that the top nav bar is styled properly. If have created a basic starter project edit the generated site_base.html to remove the extra ul tags found in the {% nav block %}. In the basic project {% nav block %} contains profile and notices dropdown menu items. The project site_base.html will contain
{% block nav %} {% if user.is_authenticated %} <ul>{% spaceless %} <li id="tab_profile"><a href="{% url profile_detail user.username %}">{% trans "Profile" %}</a></li> <li id="tab_notices"><a href="{% url notification_notices %}">{% trans "Notices" %}{% if notice_unseen_count %} ({{ notice_unseen_count }}){% endif %}</a></li> {% endspaceless %} </ul> {% endif %} {% endblock %}
Remove the ul tags so the block looks like
{% block nav %} {% if user.is_authenticated %} <li id="tab_profile"><a href="{% url profile_detail user.username %}">{% trans "Profile" %}</a></li> <li id="tab_notices"><a href="{% url notification_notices %}">{% trans "Notices" %}{% if notice_unseen_count %} ({{ notice_unseen_count }}){% endif %}</a></li> {% endif %} % endblock %}
You should provide your own "footer" template _footer.html
Also change the Site name by editing fixture/initial_data.json you can also use the Admin app for this purpose. The url name "home" should be defined as the homepage.
To upgrade you site start by upgrading to the latest version on pinax-theme-foundation
pip install -- upgrade pinax-theme-foundation
The big change between Foundation 2 to 3 is the grid. In Foundation 3 you no longer have to use .container to define the grid. In Foundation 2 the grid was built around .container > .row > .columns in Foundation 3 you now just have to use .row > .columns. In Foundation 3 padding and borders no longer increase the width of an element, they only go inward so for example in Foundation 3 .three.columns always has a width of 25% with a 15px padding on the left and right. You can find the Foundation 3 migration guide here Remove all max-width from css sytling
See the full documentation for more details.