
Bridge implementation using Semaphores and Monitors.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Bridge implementation using Semaphores and Monitors and experiments.

This project is the course work of CS6301 Intro to Multicore Programming.


Directory Tree:

├── README.md
├── doc
│   ├── algorithm.pdf
│   └── algorithm.tex
└── src
    ├── Main.java
    ├── cs6301
    │   └── github
    │       └── io
    │           ├── bridge
    │           │   ├── Bridge.java
    │           │   ├── MonitorBridge.java
    │           │   └── SemaphoreBridge.java
    │           └── test
    │               └── TestDriver.java
    └── makefile

7 directories, 10 files


In src folder, the following commands can be used to compile and cleanup.

# Compile all source code to Java binary file.

# Cleanup jar and class file.
make clean


After compilation, the following commands can be used to run experiments on the bridge.

# Run experiment on specified bridge type with some cars.
make experiment BRIDGE=<bridge type> CARS=<# of cars to run experiment>

In the experiment, Car defines the basic action of a car as a thread. It first sleeps for a random amount of time, and then arrives at the bridge ( invoke arriveBridge function of the Bridge instance ). Once return from arriveBridge, it sleeps again for a random amount of time within 500ms, and then leave the bridge ( invoking leaveBridge function of the Bridge instance).

During runtime, each Car instance will record three event timestamp: arriveTime, enterTime, leaveTime. Upon each event, Car thread will append a event timestamp to a queue. This queue can be used to check if the execution satisfy the algorithm demand.

Since the order of the event can only be check after all Car thread finished, Car will print a dot (.) in standard output after leaving the bridge indicating the thread will finish.

After all threads joined (finished), test will print the events list as well as the car list based on leaveTime order in standard output.


An example execution from compile to execute is listed below.

$ make
javac -g cs6301/github/io/bridge/*.java
javac -g cs6301/github/io/test/*.java
javac -g Main.java

$ make experiment BRIDGE=semaphore CARS=10
java Main semaphore 10
Initializing 10 cars.
Starting experiment for semaphore bridge with 10 cars.
Experiment finished.

Events timeline is as follow:
Car	0	of	EAST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:13.411
Car	7	of	WEST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:13.411
Car	0	of	EAST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:13.414
Car	6	of	EAST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:13.653
Car	0	of	EAST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:13.653
Car	7	of	WEST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:13.653
Car	3	of	EAST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:13.797
Car	9	of	WEST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:13.848
Car	1	of	EAST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:13.861
Car	7	of	WEST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:13.992
Car	6	of	EAST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:13.993
Car	3	of	EAST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:13.993
Car	3	of	EAST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:14.196
Car	2	of	WEST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:14.329
Car	4	of	WEST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:14.376
Car	6	of	EAST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:14.431
Car	9	of	WEST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:14.432
Car	9	of	WEST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:14.657
Car	1	of	EAST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:14.657
Car	5	of	WEST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:14.676
Car	8	of	WEST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:14.676
Car	1	of	EAST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:14.983
Car	4	of	WEST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:14.984
Car	2	of	WEST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:14.984
Car	5	of	WEST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:14.984
Car	8	of	WEST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:14.984
Car	4	of	WEST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:15.236
Car	2	of	WEST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:15.271
Car	8	of	WEST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:15.447
Car	5	of	WEST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:15.482

Sorting all cars by leaving bridge time:
Car{id=0,	direction=EAST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:13.411,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:13.414,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:13.653}
Car{id=7,	direction=WEST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:13.411,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:13.653,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:13.992}
Car{id=3,	direction=EAST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:13.797,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:13.993,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:14.196}
Car{id=6,	direction=EAST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:13.653,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:13.993,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:14.431}
Car{id=9,	direction=WEST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:13.848,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:14.432,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:14.657}
Car{id=1,	direction=EAST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:13.861,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:14.657,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:14.983}
Car{id=4,	direction=WEST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:14.376,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:14.984,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:15.236}
Car{id=2,	direction=WEST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:14.329,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:14.983,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:15.271}
Car{id=8,	direction=WEST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:14.676,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:14.984,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:15.447}
Car{id=5,	direction=WEST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:14.676,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:14.984,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:15.482}

$ make experiment BRIDGE=monitor CARS=10
java Main monitor 10
Initializing 10 cars.
Starting experiment for monitor bridge with 10 cars.
Experiment finished.

Events timeline is as follow:
Car	2	of	EAST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:28.386
Car	2	of	EAST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:28.388
Car	8	of	EAST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:28.417
Car	8	of	EAST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:28.417
Car	7	of	WEST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:28.620
Car	2	of	EAST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:28.621
Car	5	of	EAST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:28.663
Car	8	of	EAST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:28.739
Car	7	of	WEST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:28.740
Car	1	of	WEST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:28.861
Car	4	of	WEST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:28.998
Car	7	of	WEST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:29.015
Car	5	of	EAST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:29.016
Car	6	of	WEST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:29.055
Car	5	of	EAST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:29.127
Car	1	of	WEST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:29.127
Car	4	of	WEST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:29.127
Car	6	of	WEST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:29.128
Car	0	of	EAST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:29.134
Car	6	of	WEST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:29.433
Car	1	of	WEST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:29.445
Car	3	of	WEST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:29.527
Car	4	of	WEST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:29.559
Car	0	of	EAST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:29.560
Car	9	of	WEST_BOUND	arrive	at	2018-10-21T10:24:29.826
Car	0	of	EAST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:30.037
Car	3	of	WEST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:30.037
Car	9	of	WEST_BOUND	enter	at	2018-10-21T10:24:30.037
Car	9	of	WEST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:30.154
Car	3	of	WEST_BOUND	leave	at	2018-10-21T10:24:30.203

Sorting all cars by leaving bridge time:
Car{id=2,	direction=EAST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:28.386,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:28.388,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:28.621}
Car{id=8,	direction=EAST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:28.417,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:28.417,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:28.739}
Car{id=7,	direction=WEST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:28.620,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:28.740,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:29.015}
Car{id=5,	direction=EAST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:28.663,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:29.016,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:29.127}
Car{id=6,	direction=WEST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:29.055,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:29.128,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:29.433}
Car{id=1,	direction=WEST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:28.861,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:29.127,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:29.445}
Car{id=4,	direction=WEST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:28.998,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:29.127,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:29.559}
Car{id=0,	direction=EAST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:29.134,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:29.560,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:30.037}
Car{id=9,	direction=WEST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:29.826,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:30.037,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:30.154}
Car{id=3,	direction=WEST_BOUND,	arriveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:29.527,	enterTime=2018-10-21T10:24:30.037,	leaveTime=2018-10-21T10:24:30.203}

$ make clean
rm -f Main.class cs6301/github/io/bridge/*.class cs6301/github/io/test/*.class