AWS Quickstart Terraform scripts

The AWS Quickstart Terraform scripts can be used to create the needed infrastructure for a Kubernetes HA cluster. Check out the following AWS getting started walkthrough to learn more about how to use the scripts and how to provision a Kubernetes cluster using KubeOne.


Create Cluster

terraform apply

terraform output -json > tf.json

export AWS_PROFILE=default

kubeone install config.yaml --tfjson .

cp hannes-kubeconfig ~/.kube

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/hannes-kubeconfig

Delete Cluster

kubeone reset config.yaml --tfjson

terraform destroy


Name Version
terraform >= 0.12.10


Name Version
aws n/a
random n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
ami AMI ID, use it to fixate control-plane AMI in order to avoid force-recreation it at later times string "" no
ami_filters map with AMI filters map
"centos": {
"image_name": [
"CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 HVM EBS*"
"owners": [
"flatcar": {
"image_name": [
"owners": [
"rhel": {
"image_name": [
"owners": [
"ubuntu": {
"image_name": [
"owners": [
aws_region AWS region to speak to string "eu-west-3" no
bastion_port Bastion SSH port number 22 no
bastion_type instance type for bastion string "t3.nano" no
bastion_user Bastion SSH username string "ubuntu" no
cluster_name Name of the cluster any n/a yes
control_plane_type AWS instance type string "t3.medium" no
control_plane_volume_size Size of the EBS volume, in Gb number 100 no
initial_machinedeployment_replicas number of replicas per MachineDeployment number 1 no
internal_api_lb make kubernetes API loadbalancer internal (reachible only from inside the VPC) bool false no
open_nodeports open NodePorts flag bool false no
os Operating System to use in AMI filtering and MachineDeployment string "ubuntu" no
ssh_agent_socket SSH Agent socket, default to grab from $SSH_AUTH_SOCK string "env:SSH_AUTH_SOCK" no
ssh_port SSH port to be used to provision instances number 22 no
ssh_private_key_file SSH private key file used to access instances string "" no
ssh_public_key_file SSH public key file string "~/.ssh/" no
ssh_username SSH user, used only in output string "ubuntu" no
subnets_cidr CIDR mask bits per subnet number 24 no
vpc_id VPC to use ('default' for default VPC) string "default" no
worker_os OS to run on worker machines, default to var.os string "" no
worker_type instance type for workers string "t3.medium" no


Name Description
kubeone_api kube-apiserver LB endpoint
kubeone_hosts Control plane endpoints to SSH to
kubeone_workers Workers definitions, that will be transformed into MachineDeployment object