
This project is a simple 2D game designed to make you use textures, sprites and some basic gameplay elements.

Primary LanguageC


First graphical project

So long is one of 42 common core's projects which gives you the basics in the following skills:

  • window management
  • event management
  • choice of colors and textures.

It uses the MLX 42 library which includes basic tools to open a window, to create images and to manage keyboard and mouse events.

How does So_long works ?


The game includes enemie(s) which only move(s) from LEFT to RIGHT. If you end up crossing paths with an enemy, you will lose !


My Makefile rules

  make all
  • It compiles the simple game

How to start my So_long

After having compiled the program simply type the following command and put the path to your desired map

  ./so_long _PATH_TO_MAP_