
Node.js HTTP server practice

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node Vanilla HTTP Server


  • start server with node server.js
  • run yarn init to create package.json (ok to accept defaults)
  • run yarn add nodemon --dev ('Node Monitor' package or 'gem') to automatically detect file changes and reboot the server when required. Will only be used in development. Also creates the yarn.lock file to pin-down versions of each dependency being used and installs all the packages in the node_modules folder.
  • add a script to package.json: "scripts": { "dev": "nodemone server.js"}
  • now run server with yarn dev

Use the REST Client extension for VS Code to test routes and view the raw data returned by the server: test/1.http.


  • use JSON.stringify to turn javascript (e.g. an array or object) into JSON formatted text


  1. Add /postcode/3021 json response
  2. Add sendHTML(response, mainHTML) function to utils.js
<p>This is a paragraph</p>
  1. Change the not found route to send back JSON instead of plain text, while still keeping the 404 status code — e.g. { "error": "Page not found" }
  2. Add /assets/main.css route with some simple CSS
  3. Change sendHTML() to add a to the main.css URL
  4. Add a assets directory with an gif file inside. Serve that file at /assets/example.gif with the correct content type.
  5. (Advanced) Add a catch-all /postcode/(number) route, which reads a matching file in a postcodes directory. e.g. /postcode/3040 will read the file at /postcodes/3040.json in the project directory, and send it back. Otherwise, if no matching file is found, it will 404