This is a data storytelling project that explains NYC's water conservation efforts and trends in the decline in total water demand. It is a simple vanilla JavaScript application that includes four d3.js data visualizations.
- The three area charts are dependent on live data from NYC Open Data, Dept. of Environmental Protection, "Water Consumption In The New York City" (updated annually)
- The bubble chart uses static data from a 2011 Dept. of Environmental Protection report (page 124). I manually transcribed the numbers into the JavaScript for the chart.
- d3 v4
- To trigger chart animations as the reader scrolls, I used Scrollama created by Russell Goldenberg.
- To implement tooltips, I used d3-tip.js written by Justin Palmer. I copied the code directly into this repo because I had trouble finding a stable, secure link to a hosted version online.
- Clone repo
git clone
- Run using python dev server
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
(or other local server options like Atom Live Server)