Countries Web App


The Countries Web App is a Python-based web application that allows users to explore and learn about countries around the world. It provides a user-friendly interface to view a list of countries, filter them by various criteria, and access detailed information about each country.


  • Listing Page:

    • Displays a table with a list of countries.
    • Table Headers:
      • Name with Flag
      • Region
      • Country ISO Code
      • Currency
      • Population
      • Capital
    • Filters:
      • Population Range
      • Dropdown of the Region
      • Search by Name or Capital
    • Sorting:
      • Name
      • Population
      • Region
  • Details Page:

    • Accessible by clicking on a country's name.
    • Displays detailed information about a country.
    • Includes a map and flag of the country.
    • Provides information such as:
      • Name
      • Country ISO Code
      • Currency
      • Region
      • Population
      • Capital
      • Dialing Code
      • Timezones
      • Flag
      • Borders
      • Native name in their language.

Data Source

Country data is sourced from


A live demo of this web app can be accessed at


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2


To run this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the required dependencies for both the Flask backend and React frontend.
    • Backend: Navigate to the server directory and run pip install -r requirements.txt.
    • Frontend: Navigate to the client directory and run npm install.
  3. Configure your environment variables (if necessary).
  4. Start the Flask backend by running python in the server directory.
  5. Start the React development server by running npm start in the client directory.


  1. Access the web app in your browser by visiting http://localhost:3000.
  2. Explore the listing page to view a table of countries.
  3. Click on a country's name to access the details page.
  4. Use the filters and sorting options to refine your search.