
COMP 20 Spring 2017 Repo for Hannah Voelker

Primary LanguageHTML


COMP 20 Spring 2017 Private Repo for Hannah Voelker


The purpose of this repo is to store relevant labs and homeworks for comp 20 in a format that allows revision control as well as the ability for Ming/the TAs to view my work and my commits.

Favorite Assignment

Definitely the server side for the black car service. For me, I knew a decent amount of HTML/CSS/JS going into the course, so I think this was the assignment that really pushed me the most. I love a good challenge, and it was fun to try to figure things out by reading documentation as well as trial and error.

I think I have grown a decent amount since day 1. I also really understand how the web works on a larger scale, which is something not all programmers know, and it will definitely be useful going to more complex projects.

Most important thing I have learned

Do not trust the user: If security vulnerabilities exist in a website, someone will exploit them

  • Example: the 0.99$ flatscreen exploit reading
  • Example: Bypassing 2FA on Paypal This has taught me to code with security in mind -- something I hadn't really considered before as I was working on small side-projects. This is SO important before I write code that will actually be shipped to production for internships/jobs.

Next Deep Dive

Now that this course is over, I'd like to take a deeper dive on using cloud resources such as AWS for application hosting/usage. They say everything is moving in that direction, and AWS has a lot of cool services, so it would be fun to learn more.