Change laravel public folder:

1- rename public folder to public_html.
2- create new folder next-to public_html and name it laravel-core.
3- move all files and folders except .public_html, .idea, .git, .gitattributes, .gitignore into laravel-core folder.
4- edit index.php in public_html folder and change __DIR__.'/../ to __DIR__.'/../laravel-core/. (2 case)
5- edit server.php in laravel-core folder and change /public to /../public_html. (2 case)
6- edit AppServiceProviver.php and add below code in register method:

$this->app->bind('path.public', function() {
  return realpath(base_path().'/../public_html');

7- edit webpack.mix.js and change mix. to mix.setPublicPath('../public_html/'). and change all public/ to ../public_html/ like below:

    .sass("resources/scss/app.scss", "../public_html/css/main.css")

8- edit .gitignore and change all public/ to public_html/ and add /laravel-core/ before others.
9- run git rm -rf --cached . in terminal to update .gitignore.
