Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Intent Prediction and Slot Filling

Goal: Train a joint intent prediction and slot filling model using English and generalize to other languages.


MultiAtis++: Please visit, download the dataset and put it under ./data directory.

How to Run: Joint Training

joint training (English Only)

Firstly, change the model_type variable in to mbert|bert|roberta|xlm-roberta in order to use different transformer models. Then run the following command:


joint training (English Only with Code Switching)

Generate Code-Switching training data

Firstly, change the inFile variable in to the input filename; change the outFile variable to the pickle output filename. Then run the following command:

Run Code-Switching Method

Firstly, change the code_switch variable to 1, then run the following command:



MBERT (bert-base-multilingual-uncased)

languange Intent Acc. Slot F1
ES 0.9440 0.9595
DE 0.9440 0.9648
ZH 0.8096 0.8511
JA 0.7290 0.7858
PT 0.9328 0.9561
FR 0.9227 0.9546
HI 0.6909 0.7814
TR 0.7202 0.8761
RW 0.2004 0.7997
SW 0.5408 0.8844

BERT (bert-base-uncased)

Intent Acc. Slot F1
ES 0.6730 0.8351
DE 0.0638 0.7884
ZH 0.1187 0.5770
JA 0.0660 0.4297
PT 0.3314 0.8217
FR 0.4154 0.8309
HI 0.0324 0.3504
TR 0.1580 0.7090
RW 0.0470 0.5281
SW 0.1780 0.5757

Roberta (roberta-base)

languange Intent Acc. Slot F1
ES 0.1019 0.7914
DE 0.5106 0.8810
ZH 0.5901 0.4906
JA 0.3516 0.6060
PT 0.3292 0.8436
FR 0.2508 0.8455
HI 0.0666 0.3580
TR 0.2797 0.7418
RW 0.1478 0.7384
SW 0.1578 0.7117

XLM-Roberta (xlm-roberta-base)

languange Intent Acc. Slot F1
ES 0.9216 0.9607
DE 0.9440 0.9711
ZH 0.8835 0.9219
JA 0.8667 0.8746
PT 0.9182 0.9660
FR 0.9305 0.9487
HI 0.8499 0.8890
TR 0.7664 0.8745
RW 0.6976 0.6466
SW 0.6730 0.8762

MBERT + Cross-Switch (translating source language into random languages in chunk-level)

languange Intent Acc. Slot F1
ES 0.9529 0.9638
DE 0.9641 0.9685
ZH 0.8902 0.9321
JA 0.7872 0.8213
PT 0.9406 0.9672
FR 0.9630 0.9631
HI 0.8488 0.8270
TR 0.7930 0.8972
RW 0.4524 0.8093
SW(random) 0.6931 0.8461
SW(to sw) 0.9395 0.9117

SW(random) means translating training set into random languages in chunk-level; SW(to sw) means translating training set into swahili in chunk-level.

BERT + Cross-Switch (translating source language into random languages in chunk-level)

languange Intent Acc. Slot F1
RW 0.7099 0.8056
SW(random) 0.6987 0.8104
SW(to sw) 0.9372 0.8867

Roberta + Cross-Switch

languange Intent Acc. Slot F1
RW 0.7256 0.8173
SW(random) 0.9260 0.8426
SW(to sw) 0.7054 0.7380

XLM-Roberta + Cross-Switch

languange Intent Acc. Slot F1
RW 0.6842 0.7510
SW(random) 0.6550 0.8363
SW(to sw) 0.9260 0.9049