
This repository contains the source code for a very simple web scraping application.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the source code for a very simple web scraping application. It scrapes the commodity prices from the following two urls:


It is recommended to create a virtual Python environment (I used Anaconda). Then install the packages in the environment:

  • mysql-connector-python
  • flask
  • BeautifulSoup4

In the scope of this project, a MySQL database server has to be running on the local machine. These are the settings used to connect to the MySQL database:

'host'     : 'localhost',
'database' : 'pyscraper',
'user'     : 'user',
'password' : '$a8E21&3ie'

To run the application, just execute the script menu.py. And this menu will be presented to you:

|  >>>          Python Web Scraper         <<<  |
| Scrape data from web pages: . . . . . . . [1] |
| Show data:  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [2] |
| Store data in database: . . . . . . . . . [3] |
| Load gold prices from database: . . . . . [4] |
| Load silver prices from database: . . . . [5] |
| Start API web-servie: . . . . . . . . . . [6] |
| Stop API web-servie:  . . . . . . . . . . [7] |
| End application:  . . . . . . . . . . . . [x] |
| Status:                                       |
| - Scraped data available:  [ ]                |
| - API web-service running: [ ]                |

To test the web API, just paste one of the following URLs into your browser, change the start and end data respectively:

The response will look something like this:

    {'data': {'2019-05-05': 1285.85, '2019-05-06': 1284.15, '2019-05-07': 1286.05, '2019-05-08': 1282.25, '2019-05-09': 1284.55, '2019-05-10': 1286.7}, 'mean': 1284.92, 'variance': 2.63}