- abeaumont
- adam-stokes@elastic
- AltGrInria + OCamlPro
- andreypopp@mechanize-systems
- anuragsoni@elastic
- avsmUniversity of Cambridge
- cantora
- cfcs#nolibc movement
- claucece@brave
- cmarsEuripides Systems
- crackcomm
- dinosaureAround the world ...
- doctor-pi
- dsheetsCambridge, UK
- dwking2000@TalentLlama
- elimisteve@RevolutionizeDev
- gangatn
- guido4000Amsterdam
- hannesm@robur-coop
- ivuk
- joshuaglVerizon
- kisomUnited States
- maxyunrock
- mseriRijksuniversiteit Groningen
- olleolleolleAuctionet ✨
- omasanoriJapan, or anywhere else
- reynir@robur-coop
- riyazdf
- samoht@tarides
- savi2w@creme-tech
- smondetNew York, NY
- smorimoto@ocaml @tc39
- sternenseemann
- verbosemodeSomewhere near Augsburg, Germany