
Uses Google Heatmap to visualize Endomondo training routes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Uses Google Heatmap to visualize Endomondo training routes.

Obtaining Endomondo training data

Endomondo does not offer official API but data is still available through their mobile API. There are two ways to get data for this application:

  • Use some 3rd party API, for example https://github.com/isoteemu/sports-tracker-liberator
  • Get data from http://api.mobile.endomondo.com/mobile/api/workout/list?&authToken=<YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN>&maxResults=1000&fields=feed_id,points
  • To get YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN, you can for example use API mentioned earlier.

How to use

Get your data and save it as data.json. Data is expected to be in the following format:

  "more": false,
  "data": [
            "id": 335337811,
            "points": [
                    "time": "2014-05-06 13:56:11 UTC",
                    "lng": 23.747099,
                    "inst": 2,
                    "lat": 61.492392,
                    "dist": 0
                    "time": "2014-05-06 13:56:13 UTC",
                    "speed": 0,
                    "alt": 125.8,
                    "lng": 23.747099,
                    "lat": 61.492392,
                    "dist": 0


Since Endomondo does not provide proper API and amount of datapoints is huge, this example only uses half of the data.

