ReMVVM is an application architecture concept, marriage of Unidirectional Data Flow (Redux) with MVVM.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Documentation Carthage compatible Swift Package Manager


ReMVVM is an application architecture concept, marriage of Unidirectional Data Flow (Redux) with MVVM.

Redux + MVVM = ReMVVM


Model-View-ViewModel - is well known and widely used architecture on iOS platform. It is very simple, lightweight, doesn’t bring any boilerplate and works well with reactive programming (can be used without it of course). While working with MVVM you will find couple of questions:

  • who is responsible to create View Model ?
  • how to pass parameters to View Model’s constructor or fabric ?
  • how to implement switching to the new view ? Where to make view change and how to pass View Model to the View ?

Of course you can find couple patterns to solve that such as coordinator but surprisingly easy you can follow the wrong path.

Unidirectional Data Flow (UDF) - the main concept behind is immutable application state that can be changed only in one place in the app (Store) and only by predictable plain functions (in Reducers) ie. State + Action = NewState. The most popular implementation of that concept is JavaScript library called Redux. The first and most popular swift’s implementation is ReSwift by Benjamin Encz. If you are not familiar with that architecture I strongly recommend to look on Benjamin’s presentation and look into ReSwift documentation.

Let’s imagine you have application with complicated view structure and communication with backend API. It will bring complicated Application State, a lot of Reducers and dozens of Actions for the state changes related with both business and view logic.

But… what about making a mix of two architectures ? Can we implement “global” app state by Unidirectional Data Flow and use MVVM pattern for each individual screen ? We can and it is what ReMVVM was made for.


For the simplicity, you can think that Unidirectional Data Flow part stores global data model of the app. View Model takes that data, listens for change and of course converts and serves it for the View layer.

So, we can divide components on two groups related with Unidirectional Data Flow and MVVM.

Unidirectional Data Flow:

Store - contains your application state that can be modified only by dispatching an StoreAction. Every state change is notified to every StateObserver.

StoreState - it’s immutable data structure that holds your application data. In ReMVVM it has to provide ViewModelFactory that will be used for creating View Models for your view(s).

StoreAction - describes state change and is handled by corresponding Reducer.

Middleware - mechanism for enhance action’s dispatch functionality. It is usually used to simplify asynchronous dispatch and implement ‘side effects’ if required.

Reducer - provides pure function that returns new state based on current state and the action.


ViewModel - is designed to store and manage UI related data for the view

ViewModelProvider - provides View Model(s) using ViewModelFactory from current state

ViewModelFactory - creates View Model instances


Let’s start with standard „counter” example. We will implement View that presents the counter value with two buttons to increase and decrease it. We will use SwiftUI and Combine but we can do it with UIKit with or without any other Reactive framework.

Counter value will be stored in application state in Store. View model will be listening on it's change and will serve counter’s value as a string value.

First, we need to define our application state. We don’t need custom ViewModelFactory so we will use default implementation of StoreState protocol.

struct ApplicationState: StoreState {
    let counter: Int

Second, we need an StoreAction that will let us to change state.

enum CounterAction: StoreAction {
    case increase
    case decrease

Third, we need a Reducer that will update counter value based on action.

enum CounterReducer: Reducer {
    static func reduce(state: Int, with action: CounterAction) -> Int {
        switch action {
        case .increase: return state + 1
        case .decrease: return state - 1

Then, we can write view model that observes state changes and serves mapped to String value.

final class CounterViewModel: ObservableObject, Initializable {

    @Published private(set) var counter: String = ""

    @ReMVVM.State private var state: Int?

    required init() {
        $state.map(String.init).assign(to: &$counter)
Without property wrapper
final class CounterViewModel: ObservableObject, Initializable, StateObserver {

    @Published private(set) var counter: String = ""

    required init() { }

    func didReduce(state: Int, oldState: Int?) {
        counter = String(state)

Please notice StateObserver declaration!

Finally, we can create our view.

struct CounterView: View {

    @ReMVVM.ViewModel private var viewModel: CounterViewModel!
    @ReMVVM.Dispatcher private var dispatcher

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Counter: \(viewModel.counter)")

            Button(action: dispatcher[CounterAction.increase]) {
            Button(action: dispatcher[CounterAction.decrease]) {


Probably you’ve noticed that we wrote Reducer for the counter integer value and view model also listens for integer values instead of the ApplicationState. Of course, we could do it with ApplicationState but I would like to present you the idea about substates.

It’s good practice to separate data as much as possible. We can operate on smaller chunks, view model depends only on the required data not the whole state.

To accomplish that we still need to create Reducer for ApplicationState because it's our main state.

struct ApplicationReducer: Reducer {
    static func reduce(state: ApplicationState, with action: StoreAction) -> ApplicationState {
            counter: CounterReducer.reduce(state: state.counter, with: action)
            // other substates .... 

Also, we need to provide StateMapper that converts ApplicationState to our Int substate. Thanks to StateMapper we can observe changes of substate instead of whole state.

let counterMapper = StateMapper<ApplicationState>(for: \.counter)


Finally, we can initialise store

let initialState = ApplicationState(counter: 0)
let store = Store(with: initialState,
                  reducer: ApplicationReducer.self,
                  stateMappers: [counterMapper])
ReMVVM.initialize(with: store)

and see the result:

Testing substate reducer only

ReMVVMCore and ReMVVMSwiftUI

ReMVVM project contains two targets:

  • ReMVVMCore - contains main parts of ReMVVM and property wrappers that you can use with UIKit
  • ReMVVMSwiftUI - contains property wrappers that should be used with SwiftUI conjunction

Basically import ReMVVMSwiftUI when using SwiftUI, import ReMVVMCore otherwise.


Sneak peak for navigation implemented with ReMVVM.

In comparison to our example, CounterView contains only couple more buttons that send appropriate actions. There are no navigation likns, no navigation logic etc.



struct CounterView: View {

    @ReMVVM.ViewModel private var viewModel: CounterViewModel!
    @ReMVVM.Dispatcher private var dispatcher

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            VStack {
                Text("View id: \(viewModel.id)")
                Text("Counter: \(viewModel.counter)")

                Button(action: dispatcher[CounterAction.increase]) {
                Button(action: dispatcher[CounterAction.decrease]) {

            VStack {
                Text("Navigation: -> new CounterView")
                Button(action: dispatcher[Push(with: CounterView())]) {
                    Text("Push new")
                Button(action: dispatcher[Pop()]) {
                Button(action: dispatcher[ShowModal(view: CounterView())]) {
                    Text("Show new on modal")
                Button(action: dispatcher[ShowModal(view: CounterView(), navigation: true)]) {
                    Text("Show new on modal with nav")
                Button(action: dispatcher[DismissModal()]) {
                    Text("Dismiss modal")
                Button(action: dispatcher[Show(on: Navigation.root, view: CounterView())]) {
                    Text("Show new on root")
                Button(action: dispatcher[NavigationTab.profile.action]) {
                    Text("Show profile tab")

We can also hide implementations ditails with actions. Let's imagine we meed to show profile page from couple of places in the app. Do we need to know in all that places what view should we instantiate ? Should it be a modal or push to navigation stack ? Good idea is to make high level action for that eg. ShowProfilePageAction and put all the logic behind the action in one place in eg. ShowProfilePageMiddleware.


For the example code please have a look here: ReMVVMSampleSwiftUI

ReMVVMExtUIKit navigation implementation used in couple live applications available in AppStore.

ReMVVMExtSwiftUI is a concept of navigation implementation in pure SwiftUI.

ReMVVMSample-iOS is UIKit with RxSwift sample that use ReMVVMExtUIKit.


ReMVVM architecture brings great separation between layers. It's clear where to store model data, who and where creates view model and how it's passed to the view. It takes the biggest advantages of two different architectures and makes the code readable without introducing any boilerplate.