
WooCommerce shipping rates calculator for Indonesia domestic and international shipment

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Woongkir ===
Contributors: sofyansitorus
Tags: JNE, POS Indonesia, TIKI, PCP Express, RPX
Donate link: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sofyansitorus?utm_source=woongkir_plugin_page&utm_medium=referral
Requires at least: 4.8
Tested up to: 6.0
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: 1.3.8
License: GPL-2.0+
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt

WooCommerce shipping rates calculator for Indonesia domestic and international shipment: AnterAja, 21 Express, Expedito, IDexpress Service Solution, Indotama Domestik Lestari, Indah Logistic, JET Express, Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE), J&T Express, JTL Express, Lion Parcel, Ninja Xpress, Pahala Express, Pandu Logistics, PCP, POS Indonesia, Royal Express Indonesia, RPX, SAP Express, Sentral Cargo, SiCepat Express, Solusi Ekspres, Star Cargo, TIKI, Wahana Express.

== Description ==

WooCommerce shipping rates calculator for Indonesia domestic and international shipment: AnterAja, 21 Express, Expedito, IDexpress Service Solution, Indotama Domestik Lestari, Indah Logistic, JET Express, Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE), J&T Express, JTL Express, Lion Parcel, Ninja Xpress, Pahala Express, Pandu Logistics, PCP, POS Indonesia, Royal Express Indonesia, RPX, SAP Express, Sentral Cargo, SiCepat Express, Solusi Ekspres, Star Cargo, TIKI, Wahana Express.

= Key Features =

* Support domestic shipping couriers: AnterAja, 21 Express, IDexpress Service Solution, Indotama Domestik Lestari, Indah Logistic, JET Express, Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE), J&T Express, JTL Express, Lion Parcel, Ninja Xpress, Pahala Express, Pandu Logistics, PCP, POS Indonesia, Royal Express Indonesia, RPX, SAP Express, Sentral Cargo, SiCepat Express, Solusi Ekspres, Star Cargo, TIKI, Wahana Express.
* Support international shipping couriers: Expedito, Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE), POS Indonesia, Solusi Ekspres, TIKI.
* Support multiple couriers.
* Support shipping rates calculation from and to subdistrict location for domestic shipping.
* Support shipping rates calculation based on dimensions and weight.
* Enable or disable any of the shipping services provided by each courier.
* Automatically convert volumetric to weight.
* Set shipping couriers priority.
* Set base weight for cart content.
* Show or hide the estimated time of arrival.
* Real-time currency conversion to IDR for international shipping cost courier that using USD currency.
* Real-time API Key validation on settings update.

= Demo =

Please visit the link below for the live demo:


= Dependencies =

This plugin is using RajaOngkir.com API as the data source. You must have RajaOngkir.com API Key to use this plugin.

Please visit the link below to get RajaOngkir.com API Key. It is free.


= Donation =

If you enjoy using this plugin and find it useful, please consider donating. Your donation will help encourage and support the plugin’s continued development and better user support.

Please use the link below to if you would like to buy me some coffee:


== Installation ==

= Minimum Requirements =

* WordPress 4.8 or later
* WooCommerce 3.0 or later


Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t even need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of Woongkir, log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu, and click Add New.

In the search field type “Woongkir” and click Search Plugins. You can install it by simply clicking Install Now. After clicking that link you will be asked if you’re sure you want to install the plugin. Click yes and WordPress will automatically complete the installation. After the installation has finished, click the ‘activate plugin’ link.


1. Download the plugin zip file to your computer
1. Go to the WordPress admin panel menu Plugins > Add New
1. Choose upload
1. Upload the plugin zip file, the plugin will now be installed
1. After the installation has finished, click the ‘activate plugin’ link

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= I see the message "There are no shipping methods available" in the cart/checkout page, what should I do? =

I have no clue what is happening on your server during the WooCommerce doing the shipping calculation, and there are too many possibilities to guess that can cause the shipping method not available. To find out the causes and the solutions, please switch to “ON” for the WooCommerce Shipping Debug Mode setting. Then open your cart/checkout page. You will see a very informative and self-explanatory debug info printed on the cart/checkout page. Please note that this debug info only visible for users that already logged-in/authenticated as an administrator. You must include this debug info in case you are going to create a support ticket related to this issue.

[Click here](https://fast.wistia.net/embed/iframe/9c9008dxnr) for how to switch WooCommerce Shipping Debug Mode.

= How to switch WooCommerce Shipping Debug Mode setting? =

[Click here](https://fast.wistia.net/embed/iframe/9c9008dxnr) for how to switch WooCommerce Shipping Debug Mode setting.

= I see there is no city or subdistrict dropdown field in the checkout form or shipping calculator form, what should I do? =

The main cause of this issue is because you are using a theme or plugin that modifying the standard WooCommerce form structure. There is no way to fix this at the moment except you deactivate the theme or plugin that modifying the standard WooCommerce form structure. You may also need to check out the Browser's developer tools console to check if there is a JavaScript error/conflict. You must include this debug info in case you are going to create a support ticket related to this issue.

= How to set the plugin settings? =

You can set up the plugin setting from the WooCommerce Shipping Zones settings panel. Please [click here](https://fast.wistia.net/embed/iframe/95yiocro6p) for the video tutorial on how to set up the WooCommerce Shipping Zones.

= I got an error related with the API Key setting, what should I do? =

The error printed in there is coming from the RajaOngkir.com API server. Please check your account by login to RajaOngkir.com.

= Where can I get support or report a bug? =

You can create a support ticket at plugin support forum:

* [Plugin Support Forum](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woongkir)

= Can I contribute to developing this plugin? =

I always welcome and encourage contributions to this plugin. Please visit the plugin GitHub repository:

* [Plugin GitHub Repository](https://github.com/sofyansitorus/Woongkir)

== Screenshots ==
1. Settings panel: General Options
2. Settings panel: Domestic Shipping Options
3. Settings panel: International Shipping Options
4. Shipping Calculator Preview: Domestic Shipping
5. Shipping Calculator Preview: International Shipping

== Changelog ==

= 1.3.8 =

* Added new courier: IDexpress Service Solution (IDE).
* Added new courier: JTL Express (JTL).
* Added new courier: Sentral Cargo (SENTRAL).
* Updated courier services list: Expedito (EXPEDITO).
* Updated courier services list: Lion Parcel (LION).
* Updated courier services list: Nusantara Card Semesta (NCS).
* Updated courier services list: POS Indonesia (POS).
* Updated courier services list: Royal Express Indonesia (REX).
* Updated courier services list: SAP Express (SAP).
* Updated courier services list: SiCepat Express (SICEPAT).

= 1.3.7 =

* Improved API requests by enabling retry on failed requests.

= 1.3.6 =

* Fix origin sub-district with the same name but having different city causing incorrect origin info.

= 1.3.5 =

* Fixed manual sort couriers list not works in admin settings panel.

= 1.3.4 =

* Added new courier: AnterAja.
* Fixed update_checkout event not triggered when shipping destination forced to billing address.

= 1.3.3 =

* Enabled JSON local data versioning to prevent outdated local data after update.
* Improved UI/UX admin settings area.

= 1.3.2 =

* Fixed PHP fatal error after upgrade.

= 1.3.1 =

* Added new filter hook: woongkir_api_key_hardcoded.
* Fixed subdistrict filed attributes not rendered properly

= 1.3 =

* Fixed performance issue when many couriers is enabled.
* Fixed unwanted JSON data loaded on first visit.
* Fixed checkout fields label and priority.
* Improved UI/UX admin settings area.

= 1.2.16 =

* Fixed incorrect ETA value parsing when started with 1.

= 1.2.15 =

* Tweaked calculate shipping form.
* Enabled auto-update couriers list.
* Removed send log functionality.
* Added option to sort shipping results by name and cost in descending order.
* Improved couriers list setting UI/UX.
* Fixed selected services counter not work properly for the Basic account type.

= 1.2.14 =

* Added Sort Shipping settings.
* Fixed internationalization text for ETA label.

= 1.2.13 =

* Fixed real-time API Key setting validation.
* Added API response error to debug info.
* Updated version compatibility.

= 1.2.12 =

* Improved UI/UX in the admin area for mobile devices.
* Refactored codebase to make it modular for easy to extend.
* Introduced new filters: woongkir_api_request_post_pre, woongkir_api_request_get_pre, woongkir_shipping_results, woongkir_shipping_origin_info, woongkir_shipping_destination_info, woongkir_shipping_dimension_weight.

= 1.2.11 =

* Fixed bug to calculate volumetrically.
* Added new couriers: 21 Express, Nusantara Card Semesta, Lion Parcel, Ninja Xpress, Indotama Domestik Lestari, Royal Express Indonesia, Indah Logistic.
* Updated existing couriers.

= 1.2.10 =

* Fixed fail to parse the API response in some cases.

= 1.2.9 =

* Improvement - Enabled Volumetric Converter
* Improvement - Added new hooks: woocommerce_woongkir_shipping_origin_info, woocommerce_woongkir_shipping_destination_info
* Fix - Fixed bug when calculating cost 1 courier only in starter account

= 1.2.7 =

* Fix - Fixed duplicate postcode field in checkout form when using custom form structure
* Fix - Fixed timeout issue when many couriers selected
* Fix - Removed Cahaya Logistic Domestic Courier (Not supported by RajaOngkir anymore)
* Fix - Removed TIKI International Courier (Not supported by RajaOngkir temporarily)
* Improvement - Enabled to sort couriers list
* Improvement - Enabled logger for API response error

= 1.2.6 =

* Fix - Fixed corrupted file during the build process

= 1.2.5 =

* Fix - Fixed checkout form not updated on fields change
* Improvements - Improved backend form

= 1.2.4 =

* Fix - Fixed City and subdistrict dropdown field now appear in my account address fields
* Fix - Fixed Fixed Subdistrict selected value always empty in the shipping calculator form
* Improvements - Improved backend form

= 1.2.3 =

* Bug Fix - Compatibility issue with WooCommerce 3.5

= 1.2.2 =

* Bug Fix - Empty JS File.

= 1.2.1 =

* Improvements - Added 5 new domestic couriers: Solusi Ekspres, Wahana Prestasi Logistik, Cahaya Ekspress Logistik, Pahala Kencana Express, SAP Express Courier

= 1.2 =

* Feature - Enabled subdistrict field in shipping rate calculator form.
* Fix - Plugin is not detected in WordPress multisite.

= 1.1.4 =

* Improvements - Add a new setting field for base weight.
* Improvements - Add a logo for couriers in setting panel.
* Fix - Bug in getting destination info.
* Fix - Bug in getting weight info.

= 1.1.3 =

* Improvements - Add the "Settings" link on the plugins.php page.

= 1.1.2 =

* Fix - The couriers are not displayed if the product weight and dimensions are empty.
* Improvements - Store local storage data at first load only.

= 1.1.1 =

* Fix - Prevent request to API server if the destination address is not complete.
* Improvements - Set timeout parameter for remote request: 10 seconds.

= 1.1.0 =

* Feature - Add new domestic shipping couriers: STAR, SICEPAT, JET, PANDU, J&T.
* Feature - Add new international shipping couriers: TIKI, SLIS, EXPEDITO.
* Improvements - Tweak settings panel.
* Improvements - Tweak estimated time of arrival label.

= 1.0.0 =

* Feature - Support multiple couriers for domestic shipping: JNE, TIKI, POS, PCP, RPX.
* Feature - Support multiple couriers for international shipping: JNE, POS.
* Feature - Support shipping rates calculation from and to subdistrict location for domestic shipping.
* Feature - Support shipping rates calculation based on dimensions and weight.
* Feature - Enable or disable any of the shipping services provided by each courier.
* Feature - Show or hide the estimated time of arrival.
* Feature - Real-time currency conversion to IDR for international shipping cost courier that uses USD.
* Feature - Real-time API Key validation on settings update.

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.2.16 =
This version includes bug fixes. Upgrade immediately is always recommended.