
The xmarks bookmark project. Uses the Django framework with HTMX mixed in.

Primary LanguageCSS


A monolithic django project that contains 'Xmarks', a simple bookmark app


  • Bookmarking
  • Tagging
  • Categorizing

Running Locally

  • Clone the repo
  • Create a virtualenv
  • Install requirements
    • pip install -r requirements/base.txt for just the app to work
    • pip install -r requirements/local.txt for development
  • Make a copy of sample.env and rename it to .env and fill in the values
  • Run the server (from the root of the repo)
    • python manage.py runserver

Running Tests

  • Run python manage.py test from the root of the repo
  • Run coverage run manage.py test to get coverage report
  • Run coverage report to get coverage report in terminal
  • Run coverage html to get coverage report in html format

You can also run all the test by using pytest from the root of the repo

Development Notes

  • Developed by/with/for the Twitch community of Hannylicious
  • The project is configured to use django-environ to load environment variables from .env file